convo wit corey bout josh

Oct 24, 2005 20:40

xxGrindxxOnxxMex: hey
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: yooo
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: whats up
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: nuthinnnnn just thinkin bout this girl im like inlove with
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: awe
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: thats cute
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: thanks
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: omfg errr
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: whats happened?
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: i was talking to josh on the phone n hes like ur boring im gonna n im like no n then i was like im boring n he was like yea n then i was like fine then bye n hes like bye n hung up
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: damn harshh
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: yea
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: he musta had some mad hw or somehiung
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: stressing
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: n the dumb fucks just pranked me asking what kind of condoms i like n i hung up on them
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: some mad what?
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: haha damn joshhhh
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: yea im mad now like fer real
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: go slap himm
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: i want to
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: gah w.e i really like him to n hes does n says that stupid shit n when i get pissed off at him hes pissed at me
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: just punch him trustt me
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: yea i cant punch
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: then slap girrlllllll
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: yea
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: ok...
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: lol noc some senseinto the kid
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: yea..but if i get pissed off at him then he gets pissed off at me n dont talk to me er nothing
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: hmmm
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: all i can think of is slappin them
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: yea i kno...but that just made me really mad n krystal n her friend jake n venessa r on there way over there n i bet u ne thing hes gonna tell her n yea n then ill call her tonight n she'll tell me that he ment it n all this shit n thats not what i want to here cause i have the highest feelings for him
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: cause everytime she tells me that kinda shit i just want to fucking cry that he cant tell me that, but i think that it would hurt worse haveing him tell me that
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: damn idk what to say
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: i dont know either and i dont know what to do, i really want to ask him out cause i dont kno if hes gonna ever ask me out, n i DO NOT like the friends wit benifits thing cause thats what happend wit me n my ex who was my friend n i got hurt to damn much
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: i honeslty never been in a sitituation like this so i dont no what to say
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: ...
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: i just feel like crying
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: let it go then, u shouldnt hold ne thing back
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: i kno
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: there was one time where me n him talked for 4 hours at night he was being such a sweetheart i didnt want to get off the phone with him n i dont think he wanted to get off the phone either cause he called me back that night but i never got to talk to him cause krystal was on the other line drunk n asking me to call some one n shit
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: ahhh i see what happened to those times?
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: idk but that was only once i love doing that tho talking to the person i like for as long as i can but tonight just made me upset
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: feel betta kid
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: thanks
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: but im just not up to what im gonna hear from krystal
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: yeah?
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: n our friend venessa likes him too n he said that he dont like her like that i think he said that he likes someone else, n when were outta school he acts like he likes me and all this shit n some times in school, but i mean if some one likes u n u dont like them n u like someone else n u kno they like u wouldnt u ask the girl that u like out so the other girl can like lay off er sumeting
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: true
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: yea, gah i hate this cause thats what my X did to me when we became friends again he acted like he liked me n all this shit but he never did...n i swear if josh turns out like that im gonna idk what but im gonna do sumthing
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: yeah girl hit him in the face with a water balloon!
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: lol
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: idk i just want to talk to him bout how i feel n see how he feels but ill cry
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: then call him
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: i dont want to cause im boring
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: well i mean im sorry usually when i call him hes playing the game n hes not talking to me n hes boring but i still stay on the phone wit him
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: cause of how much i like him i just want to hear his voice
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: so ask him alota questions
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: i never know what to ask
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: i gave him a rose on sweetest day he showed his step mom n hes like look what my baby got me n when i was talking to him for that four hours he told me he loves me,n when i was on the phone wit my mom that night sweetet day cause i was at joshs wit krystal he was like i love u mom just as much as i love nichole n he was like which isnt much n then hes like im just kidding n he gave me a kiss on the cheek,
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: n everyone calls me his girl
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: joey does krystal does
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: i dont know what the fuck to do...hopefully he aint playing me cause then i might go n do something stupid...
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: yeah
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: yea
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: n i hate seeing him mad n shit n friday he was pissed off like no other n i told him that i love him
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: he said it back too but idk
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: yeah
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: i dont think that im gonna talk to him in school tommrow
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: do what u feel is best
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: yea..
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: n u kno what sucks i use to be sucidal too....
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: so this dont help much caus then i get those feelings again
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: what do u mean?
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: i use to cut
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: im like over that all but everyonce in awhile i get those feelings agian
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: so did alot of my freinds
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: it sucks
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: yeah? is it hard to stop?
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: yea
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: but how does it help?
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: idk it takes all the pain on to that one spot
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: takes ur mind off ur problems?
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: yea
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: i was on meds. cause i was sooo depressed
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: ive been depressed alot lately to
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: it sucks dont it?
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: its horrible
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: yea i kno cause u dont want to deal with anyting or ne one
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: n u just want to crawl into a hole n die er sumthing
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: yeagh
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: n i told u the thing he made me i mean honestly do u think he would of made that if he didnt actually like me enough to love me
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: he prob does love u
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: but nicole
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: love doesnt have to be advertised
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: i mean i would know if he really does love me or whatever if he asked me out cause then i know that he cares bout me but a few days ago on sweetest day when we went to his step moms freinds house he said that he dont care about ne one but himself n friday krystal was like i dont want to hurt ur feelings nichole but josh dont care bout u he dont care bout ne one he said that himself that when he was all pissed of n shit n thats when i told him i loved him
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: josh is a weirdooo
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: i mean i feel like i can be myself around him n im not afraid to make the frist move half the time cause of how much i like him, and something else i cant think of
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: yea.. but the other thing i have to consider is that hes 16 n im 17 gonna be 18 in april
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: yeah
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: n the reason that me n krystal cant go over ther till there dad gets home is because of me
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: so that dont help much either
xxGrindxxOnxxMex: brb
Dirty Gh3tto Kid: ight
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