С тех пор как я указал в скайпе местоприбыванием Antarctics | Neu Schwabenland | Neu Berlin толпой повалили всякие юнцу ну и стрички начитавшиеся книжек Мигеля Серрано и им подобных....... Оказывается на Ледяным Континентом интересуются даже больше чем Северной Кореей когда она у меня стояла в данных...... Пришлось юнцу как следует надраить уши на тему адмирала Бёрда и дядюшки Адольф сбежавшего с суженной в 45-ом.... Предлагаю беседу ниже...
Hallo. Mein Name ist Andy. Ich komme von Deutschland und suche skype freunde rund um die Welt. Wie geht es Ihnen ?
[12:14:40 AM] Andy говорит: Hallo ! Sind Sie da ?
[12:14:45 AM] Andy говорит: Still there ?
[12:15:05 AM] Сварог добавил Vovan к этому чату
[12:15:15 AM] Andy говорит: hi
[12:15:47 AM] Andy говорит: Hallo !!! Wie gehts euch ?
[12:16:19 AM] Andy говорит: Hallo. Seid ihr noch da ?
[12:17:47 AM] Сварог говорит: Greeting my friend......my German is not so gooв
[12:17:52 AM] Сварог говорит: good
[12:18:03 AM] Andy говорит: oh no problem i talk english to
[12:18:03 AM] Andy говорит: too
[12:18:11 AM] Сварог говорит: are you also from South Pole?
[12:18:22 AM] Andy говорит: No i am from germany !!!
[12:18:49 AM] Andy говорит: Do you realy 89 years old ??? I mean its great.
[12:19:20 AM] Сварог говорит: I see from our ancestors land torn from us by Jude enemy
[12:19:37 AM] Сварог говорит: have you heard about NEU BERLIN?
[12:19:57 AM] Andy говорит: Can you send me a pic from you :( ??? i cant see you now .
[12:20:03 AM] Andy говорит: yes i hear about it
[12:20:13 AM] Andy говорит: Its 7 hours by train from my house
[12:20:25 AM] Сварог говорит: have you ever been there?
[12:20:35 AM] Andy говорит: no but i want to
[12:20:48 AM] Andy говорит: Did you travel to berlin ?
[12:21:10 AM] Сварог говорит: what do you know about our ancient city ruled by the power of Vril?
[12:21:53 AM] Andy говорит: What is Vril ?
[12:22:00 AM] Andy говорит: My translater dont know vril
[12:22:11 AM] Сварог говорит: well I born there then my family moved to Argentins and then.....
[12:22:22 AM] Andy говорит: So you are 89 years old. Is that true :O
[12:22:24 AM] Andy говорит: ???
[12:22:29 AM] Сварог говорит: ofcourse
[12:23:03 AM] Andy говорит: Can you send me please a pic. I want to see you. I think it is so great that you chat with me.
[12:23:12 AM] Сварог говорит: have you ever read the books by our Latin America's writer Miguel Serrano
[12:23:19 AM] Andy говорит: no
[12:23:32 AM] Сварог говорит: google it it was a great man
[12:23:44 AM] Andy говорит: Ok i have to try it sometimes.
[12:23:50 AM] Andy говорит: Whats about the pic ?
[12:24:04 AM] Andy говорит: Can you get me once.
[12:24:09 AM] Andy говорит: :)
[12:24:26 AM] Andy говорит: I wish i could you see. I have an album with all skype friends
[12:26:17 AM] Andy говорит: Still there ???
[12:27:21 AM] Andy говорит: hello ????
[12:27:29 AM] Сварог говорит: yeah wait a second I will send you now
[12:27:38 AM] Andy говорит: ok thanks
[12:27:45 AM] Сварог послал(а) файл "I'm.jpg" участникам этого чата
[12:28:16 AM] Сварог говорит: what do you know about our city please tell me?
[12:28:45 AM] Andy говорит: Do you travel to germany bevor ?
[12:29:04 AM] Andy говорит: I think its so great that you chat with me.
[12:30:00 AM] Andy говорит: My mother saw you pic now too and she is overwhelmed that you can use a computer with this age
[12:30:07 AM] Andy говорит: Its amazing
[12:30:14 AM] Andy говорит: Ok here the story about my city
[12:30:58 AM] Andy говорит: I live in Winterbach its a small town with 2500 poples. Maybe you know the Mary - Chappel in Marpingen. Do you know that ???
[12:31:18 AM] Andy говорит: Marpingen is 4 miles from my house away. My grandmum live in Marpinge
[12:31:32 AM] Сварог говорит: I was born there and as a small child moved to Peru...... I was a close firend of Miguel Serrano..... I participated in underground installations in the Nazi camp in Neu Berlin....it was an amazing city waterfalls mountaints.......
[12:32:09 AM] Andy говорит: What year was it ?
[12:33:24 AM] Andy говорит: So, Berlin is 7 hours by train from my house
[12:34:58 AM] Сварог говорит: 1945 when the Third Reich was agonizing 100 submarines with the best of our scientists and woman were sent to the crispy lands of Antarctica were a joint Nazi-Draconian base was build there... Then there was war between us and USA
[12:35:33 AM] Andy говорит: yes i see
[12:35:40 AM] Andy говорит: It is so intressting
[12:35:45 AM] Andy говорит: Do you married ?
[12:36:40 AM] Сварог говорит: in the year 1947 admiral Bird was sent as military man endowed with the millitary armades to overthrow us from there but our mighty vimanas hit several of the battleships........so americans withdraw
[12:37:47 AM] Andy говорит: I dont know every word. my english is not the best but i know what you mean. Actually i was in google now and search and found book
[12:38:49 AM] Сварог говорит: but well you know in the bowels of the earth there is enought of space for all of us..... there is 300.000.000 of Reptilians living there.......they are closely associated with planet Kluna and have a triades ruling system between them
[12:39:28 AM] Andy говорит: oh man what you all know.
[12:39:47 AM] Andy говорит: Why do you know Miguel Serrano? Is it a friend from you ?
[12:40:02 AM] Сварог говорит: yes ofcourse you can double check my info.........actually yesterday I had a long conversation with one of our benefacors....I can send you excerpts
[12:40:11 AM] Сварог говорит: ofcourse
[12:40:17 AM] Andy говорит: yes please
[12:40:26 AM] Сварог говорит: wait
[12:43:23 AM] Сварог говорит: [02:07] reptilianelohim: what kind of goverment do you have?
[02:08] alienlover101: I am a child of the Creator.
[02:08] reptilianelohim: heh Paltalk is an old thing now it is SKype that makes you ride
[02:08] reptilianelohim: did you hear about skypecasts
[02:08] alienlover101: I submit to the rule of humans around me.
[02:08] reptilianelohim: there are millions of people there
[02:09] alienlover101: I know
[02:09] reptilianelohim: and who Created you?
[02:09] alienlover101: That which Created the universe.
[02:09] reptilianelohim: who are your parents?
[02:10] reptilianelohim: what do you know about Him?
[02:13] alienlover101: my parents are the one s whom brought my physical body into this world
[02:13] alienlover101: And guided me for a time.
[02:14] alienlover101: until I joined back with my elders with in the Cluna.
[02:14] reptilianelohim: are they reptlians or humans?
[02:14] reptilianelohim: or y
[02:14] alienlover101: This body is but a container.
[02:14] reptilianelohim: ouor are you part of the breeding project
[02:15] alienlover101: I am both as I do not seperate from their collective.
[02:15] reptilianelohim: hm I see
[02:16] alienlover101: It is like the saying i have lived amongst your townsfolk for many years.
[02:16] reptilianelohim: does your social structure resembles one of the ants or bees?
[02:16] reptilianelohim: what town?
[02:16] alienlover101: I know you and your was are noe my ways.
[02:16] alienlover101: I would say it resembles a beehive.
[02:17] alienlover101: with the council of elders being the ruling group.
[02:17] alienlover101: of each colony
[02:18] reptilianelohim: I aslo think that individualism is terrible...... individualism = kapitalism and perversion
[02:18] reptilianelohim: and how many reptiles are in council?
[02:18] reptilianelohim: clunas
[02:19] alienlover101: they run the councle of 25 clunas
[02:19] reptilianelohim: by the way were do you asseble online?
[02:19] reptilianelohim: assemble?
[02:19] alienlover101: each are the elders of the house and the neutral smoderator is the high preist.
[02:19] alienlover101: yep
[02:20] alienlover101: the meeings are held in assembly
[02:20] reptilianelohim: site program?
[02:20] reptilianelohim: and what religion do you ahve?
[02:21] reptilianelohim: are your priests are the ruling casts - who are rulling - brahmans or kshatriyas?
[02:21] alienlover101: I am unitarian
[02:21] reptilianelohim: what is that?
[02:23] alienlover101: that means that the Creator Created all sentient life and makes up the energy that flows through th,m and creaton itsself.
[02:24] alienlover101: this universal collective is living energy. It creates at an atomic level.
[02:24] alienlover101: the simple building blocks of matter
[02:24] alienlover101: into entire planets over time.
[02:25] alienlover101: by design we return to the enviroment we were created from.
[02:26] alienlover101: and in our walk through life we learn and share experiance with the collective.
[02:26] alienlover101: others have diffrent words for this energy.
[02:26] alienlover101: They are not wrong.
[02:27] alienlover101: their path is diffrent from your own.
[02:27] reptilianelohim: and who is YHVE?
[02:28] reptilianelohim: also wjhat do you think about budhism - all life is suffering and must be surpassed?
[02:28] alienlover101: it is the creator, destroyer, recycler, and redemption of humans.
[02:29] alienlover101: some whish to live a humble life.
[02:29] alienlover101: but do great things.
[02:29] reptilianelohim: I support it when there is an abundance people got tired from life
[02:30] reptilianelohim: so there is should be a scarce
[02:30] alienlover101: yep
[02:30] alienlover101: that is why some of the greatest leaders you find in an monestary upon a mountian.
[02:31] reptilianelohim: do you clunas have emotions like we humans do or you have more mind?
[02:31] reptilianelohim: I know
[02:32] reptilianelohim: some of new Russians go to taiga
[02:32] alienlover101: The clunas utilize a shared collective this means that tey communicate diffrently than humans
[02:32] reptilianelohim: telepatically?
[02:33] alienlover101: when you deal with a being that can project displeasure or
[02:33] alienlover101: yse but much deeper than that.
[02:33] reptilianelohim: whom are you living with/
[02:33] reptilianelohim: ?
[02:33] alienlover101: it is where one projects a thought to you and you just understand instantly how you must proceed.
[02:34] alienlover101: I live with humans.
[02:34] alienlover101: and learn a lot.
[02:34] alienlover101: So do they.
[02:35] reptilianelohim: it is where one projects a thought to you and you just understand instantly how you must proceed. what is that?
[02:35] reptilianelohim: what human nation of Earth do you love the most?
[02:36] alienlover101: It is when you get into a social situation with them where you are uncertian how to react.
[02:36] alienlover101: I love each as individuals
[02:36] alienlover101: the ugly beggar to the rich ruler.
[02:37] reptilianelohim: I hate individuals I love hroups
[02:37] alienlover101: each are same wonderous beings to me.
[02:37] reptilianelohim: groups
[02:37] alienlover101: All ar human and yes all are grouped together.
[02:38] alienlover101: yep even the biggest individual can't survive for long by himself and maintain sablity.
[02:38] alienlover101: stablity.
[02:38] reptilianelohim: If a person disn't ready to shed his blood for the group he isn't grouped
[02:39] reptilianelohim: I afree with you
[02:39] reptilianelohim: how many hours a day do you sleep?
[02:40] alienlover101: normally about 5 maybe 4. But this is meditative sleep for the physical body.
[02:41] reptilianelohim: hm I see
[02:41] alienlover101: rest is a state where the physical body is regenerated.
[02:42] reptilianelohim: what are the main races in universe?
[02:42] alienlover101: and the mind can move into the collective.
[02:42] reptilianelohim: what do you mean regenerated?
[02:42] alienlover101: in this solar system there are three.
[02:43] alienlover101: I mean it allows repairs to be taken place upon the body.
[02:43] reptilianelohim: what are they? were are they live?
[02:43] reptilianelohim: why do you need repairs.....are you seek?
[02:44] reptilianelohim: sick?
[02:44] alienlover101: most live out side this planet one lives here on earth.
[02:44] reptilianelohim: on what planets/
[02:44] reptilianelohim: ?
[02:44] alienlover101: no I am not sick that is why I let the body rest.
[02:45] reptilianelohim: hm I see
[02:46] alienlover101: You have Aldran, Sesso, and Dragos
[02:46] reptilianelohim: are they after Pluto?
[02:46] reptilianelohim: why don't we know them?
[02:47] alienlover101: Sombleado is located in a long orbit outside this solar system and the remnents of the sbesso system
[02:48] reptilianelohim: and what about Nibiru?
[02:48] reptilianelohim: who live in Somebleado?
[02:50] alienlover101: it wold be the Sombleadian greys and the Dracon
[02:50] alienlover101: theree are also hybird colonies there.
[02:52] reptilianelohim: and what about Aldo and Sesso?
[02:54] alienlover101: i must depart now.
[12:43:42 AM] Сварог говорит: alienlover is my alien frind from Planet Kluna
[12:44:40 AM] Andy говорит: Its great
[12:44:55 AM] Andy говорит: What is planet Kluna ?
[12:45:12 AM] Сварог говорит: it is Planet in constellation of Orion
[12:45:19 AM] Andy говорит: aha
[12:46:10 AM] Andy говорит: Is Migual Serrano death ?
[12:46:41 AM] Andy говорит: Oh i actually see he is alive.
[12:46:46 AM] Сварог говорит: but you are asking many questions don't you think so....why don't you tell me about yourself how did you found me? what are you searching for whats your areas of inetrest?
[12:47:53 AM] Сварог говорит: yeah we born with him the same year :)
[12:48:04 AM] Andy говорит: I just search peoples in Antartis and you are the first person i found. And i like to chat with some peoples how did so much in his live
[12:48:59 AM] Andy говорит: I am 24 years old and i work in a software company. Our company produce pc stuff for poeples who cant see anymoore.
[12:49:32 AM] Andy говорит: you know? it is verry interessting. And my part at work is consturcting cameras for another offices
[12:50:23 AM] Andy говорит: I like my job. I have a sister, she is 32 years old and i have 2 nephes, they are 3 and 5 years old
[12:50:42 AM] Andy говорит: They are verry cute
[12:51:02 AM] Andy говорит: Just one question. What time is it? Your time ?
[12:53:04 AM] Andy говорит: (o) in germany it is 23:51 pm
[12:53:46 AM] Andy говорит: I think i have to go to bed soon, but i hope realy we can talk tomorrow again.... but i have any minutes :D
[12:54:06 AM] Сварог говорит: well I'm kind busy right now
[12:54:16 AM] Andy говорит: What time is it?
[12:54:26 AM] Сварог говорит: you caught me in wrong time...
[12:54:35 AM] Сварог говорит: I have to go to store soon
[12:55:01 AM] Andy говорит: ok go to the store and i hope we talk tomorrow again ???
[12:55:03 AM] Сварог говорит: my clock on the wall shows 5:55
[12:55:22 AM] Сварог говорит: but what is your interest in Antarctics
[12:55:30 AM] Сварог говорит: this is what I wanted to know?
[12:55:36 AM] Andy говорит: what
[12:55:43 AM] Сварог говорит: yes
[12:56:03 AM] Сварог говорит: why have you serched people in Antarctics?
[12:56:05 AM] Andy говорит: I just like it. I dont know why
[12:56:28 AM] Andy говорит: I dont know. I think its the interessted country ever
[12:56:28 AM] Сварог говорит: You like the hidden history of our ancient continent
[12:56:39 AM] Andy говорит: yes
[12:56:45 AM] Сварог говорит: legend says it was one a Hyperborea...
[12:56:52 AM] Сварог говорит: just after polar shift...
[12:56:55 AM] Сварог говорит: ya know
[12:56:56 AM] Andy говорит: ok
[12:57:23 AM] Andy говорит: Whats your name ?
[12:58:10 AM] Сварог говорит: Heinrich
[12:58:14 AM] Сварог говорит: and yours?
[12:58:16 AM] Andy говорит: Andy
[12:58:26 AM] Сварог говорит: ok
[12:58:40 AM] Andy говорит: Whats the temprature in Antartis ?
[12:58:45 AM] Andy говорит: sorry it was the last questin
[12:58:52 AM] Сварог говорит: have a nice sleep Henry.......
[12:59:02 AM] Сварог говорит: you ask to much questions]
[12:59:07 AM] Andy говорит: yes i know
[12:59:10 AM] Andy говорит: i am sorry
[12:59:13 AM] Сварог говорит: don't be so insolent towards an old man
[12:59:14 AM] Andy говорит: see you tomorrow
[12:59:20 AM] Сварог говорит: bye
[12:59:21 AM] Andy говорит: bye
[12:59:25 AM] Andy говорит: (hi)
[12:59:29 AM] Andy говорит: Good night
[12:59:39 AM] Andy говорит: (*) (yawn)
[12:59:41 AM] Сварог говорит: good night!