May 04, 2004 10:20
I let my cat outside today, and watched in awe as he realized the vastness of the the world he had only seen through a dirty window.
What we percieve of the world is not always true
and what we percieve as true is mostly a lie
but that is the game in which we play
and we play to win
but most of us lose to our innerselves,
because our innerselves demand truth and honesty,
but most of us deny ourselves that
because we need to be masters of our feelings
the moment we admit our feelings is the moment
they can crush us.
but for some the moment they admit there feelings
is the moment of empowerment
and that feeling goes beyond any lie told
any heart broken it transends
above all the lies
and wickedness of the world.
if we all do that we will finally and truly have peace,
but until then we wrap ourselves
in dellusion and pretend nothing is wrong...
but it is it truly is.