
Sep 10, 2005 23:55

My computer is possessed. You might get a message from me with +'s and -'s. It's not really from me it's just my computer being dumb. Also, the mouse doesn't work on my laptop so I had to plug in the mouse for my desktop that is currently just sitting on the floor in the living room. It's starting to get cool out so Carnivore might get one of her surprises... I haven't decided yet... it's probably gonna have to wait though. I have 3 surprises for her and she's gonna get the smallest one next week. I've recently started doing the whole writing about my feelings thing again it helps but it's not as therapeutic as cooking. I think I wanna be a housewife too and not work... but I feel as though that would be a waste to my education even though I can't do anything to it without getting my doctorate. I was really skeptical about my Intro to Women's Studies class but I'm actually really liking it and can't wait for each class. Recently I've started questioning my trust in people and I think I'm back down to only one person... and that makes me sad... mainly because I was making really good progress but now I'm retreating and going backwards. I'm also really angry lately but I try not to show my anger and keep it bottled up... also not healthy but I don't wanna explode at people. I've done that before and lately it's lost it's appeal. I think I wanna start over and wipe my slate clean but I'm not sure how to go about doing that. I'm also really confused about as to why I stayed at UMF. I really should have left but I guess that's what I'll be doing in May so it's kinda a moot point now. My mom emailed me this really hot picture of her from her first wedding. Erica even wanted one of the dresses that her bridesmaids wore. Damn I hope I can find dresses like that when I get married to make people wear. If you wanna see the picture let me know and I'll either show it to you or send it to you... it's fucking great! I'm gonna clean it up a bit and probably print it out and put it on the fridge in my room with the "I'm an achiever" magnet I have on my fridge. So some of you know that I was joking around with a new topic for my HTY 400 paper and I did a search for feminist sex offenders and I couldn't find anything so I'm gonna stick with comparing the 3 different waves of feminism. There is lots of other stuff I've meant to add in my journal but I can't remember what they were at all. I've decided I'm gonna make my mom a mix CD so I need some ideas on what to put on it, but for sure it's gonna have "Because I Got High" and "When Your Evil" since she likes both songs (which is weird). I'm eating cornbread that I made for dinner last night and it's good. My roommates went to bed and I'm bored. Brad is coming over and he's taking me to Irvings even though the thought of food makes me wanna puke. I'm in my pjs too. I'm gonna go in them. Hopefully he doesn't get molested tonight like he did last night. So I've got my music up so loud on my laptop that I could hear it in the bathroom all the way down the hall with the door shut. I love it. Well, I'm gonna head out... later kids.
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