May 20, 2005 06:55
mayne i think i shood be the 8th world wonder- i mean honestly i wood be a better replacement then whuts in that slot rite now
i mean the 8th wonder of the world rite now is a garden- a flippin garden- can it git anymore lame than that
-I am thinkin about- where Ive been/where I am/ and where am I goin
Ive been to the lowest of lows- Ive had no friends and no purpose to continue living- Ive been in a poor family that wood move atleast once a year- ive been into god more than any1 wood believe- Ive been fatter than Chris Payne eva was- Ive been a complete loner that wood sit by himself at lunch- Ive been the amazing genius that was the smartest kid in his whole elementary skool when he was in 2nd grade- Ive been the white trash that wore the hand-me-downs from my older brother that he got from goodwill. and lives in a trailor park- Ive been in the family that dint eat unless it was given to us- I have been the armwrestling champion of every grade in every skool ive ever been to- (ive been to prolly 13 skools)- ive been the kid that wood go jump into a fite with a bunch of ppl he had neva seen- ive been the wanna be wigger runnin around the streets of H-town vandalizing everything- ive been a skater- ive been a wanna be emo kid-
I am a Jock- I am a Boyfriend- I currently have more friends that i eva thought i wood have although the number of friends i have could be considered a failure to many ppl. -I have stuck with this skool for 5 semesters so i am real happy- i am no longer fat- and i dont really have a real stereotype of myself as u mite have seen in the last few entries( i dont really count jock cuz i dont have the jock lifestyle)- I bully ppl into letting me have my way(not something im proud of)- I have finally achieved my goal of "To Love and Be Loved"-I am currently the go to guy whenever u r about to git into a fight bcuz i hold alot of chips in the fighting industry, not only cuz i can fight but bcuz i no every1 that i need to no to be completely untouchable-Ive come inches away from 14 fights in the past 3 months but then the cocky kid that wants to fite me always ends up backing down bcuz they is scurred-I have experimented with new music lately and im learning to not judge things too early-ive become quite smarter bcuz i like to read dictionaries-i am finally pickin up my grades-
I think its very difficult to figure out where i am going to end up(considering how much things have changed who knows- cuz theres plenty of time for more change)
Love your hate/
on my knees at night
sayin prayers in the street light
I cannot leave here i cannot stay
forever haunted more than afraid
asphixiate on words i mite say
I cannot stay here i cannot leave
jus like all Ive loved. Im make-believe
there are no flowers... no not this time
therell be no angels gracing the lines
jus these stark words i find
Id show a smile but Im too weak
Id share with you cood i only speak
just how much this hurts me/
In the end it doesnt even matter/
Im tryin to give u the life i neva had
we gonna pull together through it
Whoever said nothing was impossible never tried slamming a revolving door
There are two words guys hate: Don't and Stop...Unless those words are spoken together
Procrastination is like feels great until you realize you f***ed yourself
I'm never wrong. I once thought I was wrong, turns out, I was mistaken
I was standing in the park wondering why frisbees got bigger as they get closer. Then it hit me
Love is a sensation that starts by the tempation, a guy sticks his location in a girls destination to populate the next generation. Do you get the explanation or do you need a demonstration
My best dreams and worst nightmares have the same people in them
Just being yourself, being who you are, is a successful rebellion
Sometimes, when you're mad, you have the right to be mad, but you don't have the right to be cruel
I love you not because I need you, I need you because I love you