Mar 20, 2006 19:09
Ever sit around and just reminisce of the old High School times that were only a year ago?
They feel like ages and civilizations have come and gone since they last happened.
Everything seemed so new, maybe that is why everything seems so great in retrospect?
Remembering those nights of standing around cold in the rain, talking about nothing with the friends that you have known forever.
Or those random conversations that would go on for hours with people that you swore would always be arond?
Now you sit back, rather than working on the essay you have due in two days, or the one you have next week, or the week after than, you try to remember those good times that didn't seem so good at the time, but now you miss them.
You miss the people and you miss the newness?
Would it be wrong to almost want to scream to people that you should hang out more, call the ones that you haven't talked to for nearing a year?
Just because you want to spend time with them.
Who knows what they are even up to now?
College goes by fast and it's hard to keep up.
That's my thought for a while. Not depressing or anything, just wondering.