well i'm passionate about writing and my zine, blogging, etc. my boys...building community...john stewart...chocolate...reading...eating...japanese food especially...
i like blitzkrieg cuz the kids are totally into the ramones. i'm so not punk though...more crunchy or plain.
i've got lots of grey hair...
i like mommie dearest cus it is mean but i don't want my teammates calling me mommie! haha.
i thought astroglide might be a good name, even though i'm not sexy (or doing the sexy thing)
i already have a sweatshirt that says rockhead
then there's always staley, stale...something like that
i like digger cuz of the "people who dig parenting"...it could be grave digger! maybe that's too mean.
some of the girls on the show are punky brusier, sister mary jane, cha cha, jail bait, hades lady, etc.
ok that's all i got...help me wordsmith!
oh the main organizer here is snark attack. i love that.
okay after trying smashimi out on a few people i am getting mixed results. it is kind of a mouthful and not immediately gotten by everyone. also another girl is heathen smashcraft so smashcraft and shashimi might be too much.
i haven't ruled it out though--it's still my number one.
And you can use a name other than your own, like tess tantrum or betty blitzkrieg...do you have a fave sassy name?
i like blitzkrieg cuz the kids are totally into the ramones. i'm so not punk though...more crunchy or plain.
i've got lots of grey hair...
i like mommie dearest cus it is mean but i don't want my teammates calling me mommie! haha.
i thought astroglide might be a good name, even though i'm not sexy (or doing the sexy thing)
i already have a sweatshirt that says rockhead
then there's always staley, stale...something like that
i like digger cuz of the "people who dig parenting"...it could be grave digger! maybe that's too mean.
some of the girls on the show are punky brusier, sister mary jane, cha cha, jail bait, hades lady, etc.
ok that's all i got...help me wordsmith!
oh the main organizer here is snark attack. i love that.
bitchkrieg bop. betty bitchkrieg.
i love it. you don't have to be over-the-top punk to love the ramones.
snark attack is great!
Oh i know! how about Pia Mess? get it...PMS?
i'm trying to think of something to do with writing/zines and drawing a blank. zine machine?
japanese food...smashimi?
i am obsessing.
smashimi is GOOD!! REAL GOOD!
i thought of green machine (for greenberg), zine machine is good. green zines, like mr. green jeans, oh but that is not scary at all.
i think smashimi has definite potential.
Tenacious C (for stacey) a la Tenacious D (I love them).
Ok, can you tell I'm avoiding work today - I do that when I'm overwhelmed. What's the team name?
yes i immediately thought PROCRASTINATION!
i don't even think there's an official league name much less team names at this point.
I saw some cute one's that other people thought of. I especially liked Roletta Lynn and Sue E. Side (maybe a tad morbid) and Faye Tallity.
I think it is great that you are doing this - I can't wait to read about it.
i haven't ruled it out though--it's still my number one.
can you think of anything...uh..jewy? :)
matzoh ball breaker or something! ha.
i like matzoh ballbreaker.
i also really like the celebrity ones - they roll off the tongue because they're already familiar.
i just want a cool name!
Maybe make a list of pinups or celebs and see if you can throw in a jewish pun?
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