Dec 11, 2005 21:58
I have been constantly choking this whole week. It feels like a small hand has my throat in it's grip clinging for dear life... somewhat an uncomfortable feeling.. not sure if you can imagine.
So yeah, I think the worst was this morning at 3 AM when I woke up and my whole neck was swollen (I don't know if there was a jaw-line distinction- swollen)... yeah that kind of hurt, but after two ibuprofen and some lukewarm water... I was a little better, at least the swelling went down and I was miraculously able to sleep..
PS I have never ever slept upright, and when positioned correctly, can be quite comfortable, now I know why old people always do it.
So yeah I have been a prisoner of some horrible throat taker away disease this week. It just started with a sore throat (which stops me dead in my tracks.. I could be congested and still go on with life, I could have a migraine and keep on.. but once it is my throat and potentially something to do with my voice I FREAK OUT). So after two days of scratchiness and two days of constant pain, I made an appointment to see the 'doc' at ASU WEST. Yeah, not strep, and basically she told me to buy something to numb the pain, and said if I was still in pain in a week to go back and we would test for Mono.
Great fun this week, yeah.
So I have left my house a total of three times this week. That is INCREDIBLE for me, because I am used to STAYING out all day long, at LEAST six days a week. But this thing has been killing me.
Yesterday my mom stuck cotton balls in my ears made me wear a beanie to keep them in, and than insisted I keep putting Zepol (Costa Rica version of Vap-o-rub) on my neck and chest. So here I am with a scarf, beanie, my hair in pig tails, and a 'I am going to kill you- I am in so much pain' look. With my blanket tightly wrapped around me, as I sit/lay propped up with like six pillows in front of the tv. It sucked because my inner ear hurt as WELL as my throat being practically completely closed off (somehow I have still been able to breathe... that is a miracle). Yeah yesterday I had almost nothing to eat... because even liquids were too much for me to swallow.
But after the swelling went down today and I took the Advil in the morning THIS morning the rest of the day I have been SO much better.... I had a craving for fried chicken (mostly because the only thing I HAVE been able to eat is instant mashed potatoes... and I wanted some from KFC).
So I actually ate a meal for the first time in ... oh.... three days! Very exciting... I was a little queasy because of it.. but eventually my stomach settled.
I tried to go to work yesterday and help out, but my boss saw me, and sent me home, telling me to rest and feel better (she basically paid me for a FULL week of sick time... She's the best EVAH!!!!!!!!!!!)
Anyways that was my CRAPPITY crap crappy week. I do not wish sickness upon ANYONE... whatever kind it is.
Completely unrelated
My mother is a saint yet again. We came across some people very desperately in need, and she fed them and gave them shelter for a day and waited with them until they had someone take them from the church to wherever it was they were going.
PS I was the little good samaritan who brought the food. Apparently they hadn't eaten in days....but I pray that god bless them and protect them on their way. They have fought so hard and long to get here... they left their home in October....
If it were me, after having given them food, I would have left hours ago. But she has a heart of gold, and she just got home, she stayed there for hours, so they could be inside and warm, and well fed. She is a better woman than I am.