Photoshop is a BITCH.
Holy apples, it's blinking hard! My brain and fingers were about to melt off trying to figure out the magic.
Well, here's my first ever attempt at coloring in a picture. I just colored in Foxxy Library (haha name still cracks me up-I only laugh because there's a strip joint here called the Foxxy Lady. tehee) Hair is easy to do on pencil. Hair on photoshop? Sacre bleu. Murder me and chop off my fingers.
I quit this bitch.
Ok, I don't. I'll just count this as practice. Took me a day to do this. A day! Had to teach myself how to use the damn program. Thank the google for supplying me tutorials.
I don't think I've ever spent that much time learning how to do something.
I swear, I learned how to speak Spanish faster than that.
And basic German.
And yet, the wonders of PS escapes me.
I would have posted this earlier, but I was off relaxing my dying mouse hand with fireworks and 11 miles of biking with Linds. We are wild women. Who the heck goes on a leisurely bike ride for 11 miles? Mad women, that's who. Hahahah she almost plowed a child on training wheels. The ultimate side eye we received from the parents was totally worth it.
And then we saw an anvil in someone's backyard. Da hull? Who the frig has an anvil? What is the purpose, sir?!
Didn't know Wylie Coyote lived in the neighborhood. Hahah
P.S. Livejournal is fun. I can read back and remember the insanity that is my life.
P.P.S. And I said it was only for reading fanfics. Don't understand where this art streak came from! What next? Piano? I quit that when I was like 12.
P.P.P.S. Linds goes to MassArt. Hello photoshop lessons. She is the whiz. Why didn't I think to ask her? Sigh
P.P.P.P.S. Us two loons decided to try to learn how to longboard. I just might kill myself. If it gets silent here, I'm either dead or recovering. >_<
P.P.P.P.P.S. HAHAHA to the giant "BOOBZ" tag on the side.