Nov 07, 2004 17:49
today is sunday, i went to lake bible, and it's hilarious cause on tuesday i'm gonna go to lunch with bj from church. I can't wait. I have another physics test that i have to figure out what all the stuff is about again. oh well. Most people don't like MOndays much, but I'm starting to like them cause I have heavy bench tomorrow.
I just realized I don't have long posts ever. So this one still isn't long but I'll try to make it a little longer. Anyhoo, yesterday I saw the westside play, and it was pretty good. I didn't think it was very funny, but it was entertaining. I also watched the last samurai and i liked it alot. I really want to move to japan and learn the ancient ways of martial arts and discipline. I honestly do want to go to Japan some day though, cause it looks really cool. Also, I really want to go to Austria and Spain someday. And France, and england and seychelles, and chile. and bhutan and greece, and australia. germany too. and thailand. probably more than that, but that's all i can think of off the top of my head.