Dec 23, 2003 07:01
It seems I ahve been tryign to not post anythgn in a long time, well thats probably because I dont want to be one of those people who puts up an essay every four hours. I cant stand that. I dont care what you did and who you did it with and how much it changed your life. Maby if you changed your life that often you wouldnt be postign meaningless drivel. But, I degress.
lets see... Lots of little things have been going on in my life, nothign realy life changing. I have play practice close to everyday, wich is fun but I dont get to see my Izzy. The play is goign great, I hope everyone comes out to see it. Its realy great to be back on stage, I have missed it. Im not a main char. or anythign Im a glorfied extra. Its cool though I was asked to help out and its fun. I have met a bunch of realy cool people doing so. They are so much fun to hang out with. Its kinda like beign put into a realy close family, and just having fun.
My art is lacking, probably because I havent been drawign so much and have been doing more of a coloist job. I know im a tracer. We add depth and shading! LOL. I have found a new favorite form of digital art, vectors. they are so easy to make, yet every one asks how to make them. My new found love affair takes up what tiem I dedicate to art when Im at home, seing how its REALY hard to make them with out a PC. I wish fractals werntso damn tedious to make, I love to see the efects of chaos math on art. Speeking of I have found some cool programs that make music using the same equasions as the chaos math in fractals, the effects are quite origional, but i have yet to create anythign too outstanding. I realy should get with Ron, I need to know if he still entends on opnong the shop, if so I had better get into the art like I once was. so far I rely only have a couple things that will work well.
In the great news section I graduated! Took me way to long but I have learned alot about myself and what i want to do and what I feal I can accomplish in my life. I have a long and hard...0,o ...road, yeah road in front of me. But I feal if I try hard enough and actualy stick to what i want I can go and become what I so greatly want, and it verymuch helps that I have met some great people who are always helpfull and willing to see me though. If I can not be creative in art then I must use waht little talent I have into other areas. (dear lord all I want for christmas is to know how to spell)
All and all Im in a very happy place in my life. I need a job but that is taking a second seet to my school. After all the bumps ,rocks ,and even sometimes bolders in my road this past year, I am oddly at a comfortable and peacefull place with myself. I dont realy want to screw that up. I like the grooveI have found myself in. After all time heals all wounds, except in the case of Frodo, then you just have to destroy a ring and sail away with some stupid elves ,a wizard ,and your uncle.
ok im going to go get a cig.
feals weird typing on a PC and smoking.
The only thign I wish was diferant is if life were to be more exciting. I ahve ben dong ,roughly, the same thing every day. I know the only real way of changing this is to get a job so I can pay to more fun stuffs, but I didnt know what to do when I had a job. I guess its more so that when Im working Im doing to same thign all the time, but Im away from everyone, so when Im off work and I get to go and do the things I do all the tiem now they ae exciting. So it seems I just need to get a job. Hopefully that will happen soon, if anyone knows of any they would think I could do and semi enjoy tell me! They just have to work around my school schedual.
I know I have more I want to write but maby latter. I know no one expects me to post this much or ever for that matter, but I do read peoples journals and when I feal the need I will post something to someone. For now I think this is enough, so I will wish every one a Merry Christmas, and say good bye.
>End of Transmision