The Christmases, Gen C Part Five

Oct 01, 2011 19:15

Last time (a month and a half ago!) Tracey gave birth to the final generation C child, Caesar. Cash became a smoking hunk of meat, and was appointed as the royal heir to the throne by me!

Caledonia: YAY! Another Christmas update! We've been feeling neglected, you know.

Calliope: Ugh. I feel like Jan Brady right now.

It's time to get things started for the next generation. To get the ball rolling, Cash called up his work beau.

His name is Theo :)

Theo: If you need a few minutes to get dressed for out date I can wait...
Cash: This is what I'm wearing...

Theo: Roses? You shouldn't have!
Cash: Those text messages threatening a slow, painful death if I didn't treat you like a lady kinda tipped me off.
Theo: Then where is the chocolate body paint?

Theo: I love the way your ass looks in those boy shorts!
Cash: You always know just what to say! Wanna go cuddle under the stars?

Cash: Where the fuck are the stars? I hate living in Bridgeport.

Poor Calliope is constantly being hunted by Christabella.


Cash: WOMAN! Control your bowel movements! I am sick and tired of you clogging the toilets with that mess.

Theo: I've never used pillow fighting as foreplay, but...I kind like it!
Cash: Foreplay? NO WAY! I want to be able to where white to my wedding!

It didn't take him long to give in to the temptations of the flesh.

Theo: So...I...uh, heard that little chimey lullaby thing after we did it, so we better get this done before YOU start showing.
Cash: ME? NO! I cannot lose this figure! It's the only thing I've got!


Cortez and his pencil thin arms will be leaving the Christmas household.

Caesar's birthday!

The long hair suits him, doesn't it!

Thanks for reading my blabbering! I hope you enjoyed it :)

the sims 3, sims 3: the christmases

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