Previously on the Darwin Legacy...K-Pax became a vampire and left the main house to start her new life. Of course she had to go out with a bang, so as one last stunt she bit Pirate and killed him. No one really missed him tbh. We then followed her to her new lair where sinister events unfolded. She became the second most famous serial killer, after Eileen Wuornos, killing four victims in a single evening...hundreds more after that. Everyone has to have a serial killer name (BTK, The Night Stalker, The Zodiac Killer, etc) so K-Pax appropriately named herself "The Bloody Vixen".
Here is little Amelia. I'm not gonna lie, I've become quite smitten with her! I'm trying to ween out the alien genes, I'm ready for my regular Sims to be back.
Lucifer had to get his rocks off somehow, right? He brought the mail man to bed! Can you blame him?
Mail men....MMMMMMMMM....
I'm gonna hold back from using any obvious "package jokes" ;)
Birthdays...Darwin style! Everybody loves underwear parties! It may not be appropriate for a toddler, but I guess I should be thankful it wasn't a swinger party or something!
Amelia: "I don't wanna grow up..."
Amelia: "I'm a Toys R' Us Kid..."
Montanna: "But now that you're a big girl you get to have sex and drink beer!"
Me: "Um, I think you might wanna skim over that parenting book just a little more, Montanna."
She looks so beautiful! Screenshots don't even do her justice! She looks like one of those perfect, yet horrifyingly creepy, porcelain dolls, minus the creepiness!
Future Victoria's Secret model, y/n?
Auf wiedersehen, Heidi Klum!
Gotta get those six brats!
Junior's second LTW was to have 6 grandchildren. I was pretty excited about that, because I thought I could kill 2 birds with 1 stone since Montanna wanted to have 6 kids! But then I remembered that he wasn't Montanna's father and I was disappointed. No fear though, I'll probably do a WATN post with Neveen, and she likes to have sex, and sex equals babies if you didn't know that ;)
*Hands Montanna Dr. Lipschitz' (TV reference?) parenting book for dummies*
Montanna: " What! Now how the hell did this happen?!"
Me: "Do I really need to show you the banana and donut diorama again?!"
Montanna: "Yes, please!"
Me: "I see the parenting book helped?"
Montanna: "I'm in my happy place..."
Twin's birthday! Damn those shot blocking paintings!!
Bruno! I love the combination of those eyes with the alien skin!
And Gabor! Don't you just wanna squeeze him and give him cookies?
You know by now to expect this, right?
No matter how many times I witness one Sim watching another while they are sleeping, I am still creeped out by it. I've had many nightmares where I wake up and someone is watching me sleep, and then I wake up and think that someone really is there. It's a vicious cycle lol!
Bruno: "Can I get outta this crib?! I'm starting to get bed sores!"
Thank God for the craft table! The life saver of Sim parents everywhere!
Oh whose divine legs are these? Are they shooting a Nair commercial and not telling me about it?
Oh, it's Lucifer! *waves*
Gabor: "Ways da bottow?"
Can you PLEASE stop dancing and take care of your mistakeschildren?!
Swimming in the dead of winter huh? Won't that, like, stop old people's hearts, Lu?
Lu: "No, not me. I'm robust."
Look at that form!
This doesn't really serve a purpose except that she looks adorable with her sequinned baby bump!
Bruno: "I a monstew. I gonna getchew."
WTF is it with this family's desire for hypothermia?!
This isn't gonna end well...
Yeah. That's gonna hurt, Amelia.
Wow, yeah. I'm definitely not sending anyone to thaw you out if you get frozen.
Aw so cute!! I always knew Junior was a closet case! I'm pretty sure Luann is asexual, so it all balances out as nature intended.
Not as cute, guys. Shhh! You'll wake the twins!
Ok, Junior, can you atleast put on some clothes before handling the childlings?!
Oh! Poor Bruno. You don't come back from that. He's damaged for life.
Score! His next LTW is to reach their golden anniversary! Like that will ever happen in this family!
LOL Before and After!
That leaves just one more after these Hellians!
Well that's unfortunate...there really are quite a few things wrong with this shot.
Montanna: "Can I send it back?"
That deform-o is Ferdinand!
And this is Penelope, who unfortunately has NO chance at being heir (same genetics I've had for 2 generations), unless some freak accident occurs and wipes out the entire bloodline.
Montanna: "I. HATE. BODY. FLUIDS."
Me: "Oh well. Maybe you should keep your legs closed?"
Yep, that is Junior mounting Lucifer again!! Yay! Gay sex!
Amelia: "You really do love me?!"
Hun: "Yes we do! More than the fire of a thousand burning suns!"
I'm not showing favoritism at all.
Junior: "I'm not touching you! I'm not touching yooooou!"
Montanna: "Can I fucking kill him yet?!"
Me: NO! He pleasures your grandfather."
Montanna: "But you let mom kill Pirate..."
Me: "I said no! How dare you question me! Don't make me rev up your fertility and give you quadruplets. You know I can!"
Junior: "You listen to me you little shit...Don't give me any trouble and I'll see that you're heir."
Gabor: "IS MAYAD?" :(
Such nasty elders! How geriatric!
*dies* I'm now rethinking this whole weening out the alien!
Ohhhh! This is gonna be so hard for I!
And Penelope!
Um, Ferdi doesn't get a shot. Just look at Bruno's toddler pic again.
...What's going on with your fingers? Arthritis?
I'm sure that is perfect to spray with a house full of young children and a pregnant woman! That poor child will probably have a penis growing off it's face or something now!
Eh, I forgive you. Dick face will probably be severely neglected anyway.
Lu: "Wanna do it on the sewing table?"
Me: "That could lead to some pain, guys."
Me: "Watch out for needles!"
WOW. I don't really have words for this one!
I would die if they could fall asleep on the potty! Can they?!
Not to be stereotypical, but...He does have a particular passion for show tunes and interior design.
NICE! All that gay sex paid off!
Hun: "My wife's unterus is useless after this sixth demon. We were wondering...will you carry a few children for us to sell on the black market?"
Gabor: "Mom...?"
Montanna: "'The time has come', the Walrus said, 'to talk of many things..."
Montanna: "...'Of shoes, of ships, of celing wax...of cabbages and kings!'"
Hun: "Time to bring out the horse tranquilizers!! Call
Hemmingford Home!"
(HH Asylum will be back btw. I just wanna finish one thing at a time.)
I heart twins!
The rabbit is watching you two!
I mostly did this to take a portait of them. I had one of them at their grad party, but I kinda forgot to take it out of the camera before they left Uni :(
Hun's got Hungry Eyes, right Patrick Swayze?
For being so neglected that social services should have been called a long time ago, they are turning out relatively free of issues!
I think I'll leave you with that! Pretty random and abrupt, I know.
I've played pretty far ahead. I have two more updates ready! Yeah say it, I don't have a life. I very happily admit that! Anyway, next post, the Darwins will be getting cats! And those cats have sex, and give me LOTS OF FUCKING CATS. But they really are adorable.
I'll have the Sims up for download in a few days, as well as the PollinationTechs I made!
Thanks for reading!