I've been keeping myself busy with retexturing hair once again! Instead, this time I'm going to post one hair each day, rather than a big blow out post! I've been trying to revamp some oldies but goodies, and some that haven't been properly "Pooklet'd" (to the best of my knowledge). Certain meshes are hellish and far beyond my basic skills.
Mesh by Juice included.
Comes in all Pooklet's natural tones.
Named after the song "Wild Horses" by Natasha Bedingfield.
BS Preview Download Wild Horses! She is packaged with minimal CC (skintone and eyes only). I suggest using Clean Installer.
Download Annemarie Stirk! I hope you like them! I kinda went crazy making hair AND sims, so all models will be up for download along with the hair! If anyone has a mesh they'd like me to TRY please let me know!