The Zbornak Awesomesauce/Pixel_Trade Legacy 3.3

Jan 10, 2010 18:05

What a way to start the update huh?

With death comes new beginnings. I have been itching to use this hair!


Christabella: Smell ya later stranger bitch!

How precious is this? Valtiel and Dahlia watching the fishie wishies together!

You know what's not precious? Valtiel and Dahlia witnessing the death of the fish 5 minutes later due to starvation. It was, however, one of Christabella's fears, so thats a plus!

*plays The Circle of Life by Elton John to commemorate this occasion*

Poor Bailey has taken up a new lover, Raggs, the ragg mopp!

*plays Love Stinks from the Swiffer commercials to commemorate this occasion*



And Valtiel, who is a toned down version of Pyramid Head!

Christabella's birthday as well! She is gorgeous, yet motherless :(

So, unfortunately the mansion I was using was just too much for my ailing laptop to handle :( I was bummed because it was an awesome house, but my computer is getting older and slower, and I can't afford a new one right now.

This one is by simkittensims !

Percival approves of the downstairs bathroom!

Several of Christabella's fears revolved around being rejected for first kiss/other mushy things, so she called up the Matchmaker.

Christabella: I suppose now would be an appropriate time to tell you I like girls. Young, busty, girls.

She goes in for the kiss and fails miserablygloriously.

So she the kitchen...

and in the bedroom...

And while the rest of her extended family is eating ham sandwiches and talking about best friends...

Christabella is eating by herself, beside the playground...where she will play...alone.

Christabella: *boinkboink* Is anyone in there? ANYONE?!

Percival is back to being extremely sexy and woohooing with 20as many sims possible!

He's not quite as charismatic as he should be (WTF at that pucker?!) but who cares about charisma anyway???


Alexandra: Things are gettin' itchy up in here...time for my bath!


New maid! The other one didn't come along to the new house.

It seems as though Alexandra finds this whole legacy a bore. It must be hard having a want fulfilled each and every day!

Dahlia: Take that and SUUUUUUUUUCK ON IT!

Valtiel: *cries*
Dahlia: I think Justin Timberlake said it best with his song Cry Me A River.
Valtiel: You are a misogynistic wench.
Dahlia: Awwwww! Thank you!

It's Pyramid's birthday, and he happened to roll a fear of having a party that day, so Alex calls up her closest acquaintances!

Thorston Snownose by simsforaranya  and Roseanna Waterbury by dorkasaur_sims !

ME LIKEY! He has grown into his chin/jaw area quite nicely! It's still unique enough, but quite masculine and attractive!



I don't think I've had a sim drown before without purposely taking the latter away. That was back in the day when I played the sims by killing in as many ways possible.

*Amazing Grace plays on bagpipes*

Let us have a moment of silence for poor, poor Christabella.


Although, Percival is getting up there in age, so I guess they are practically peers.

Twins with matching pajamas!

Pyramid Head: BAAAAAAAAAAAH HUMBUG! This is so hard for I!

He was calling to invite the headmaster over. Why, you say? Well, getting rejected was one of Pyramid's FEARS! MUAHAHA!

Headmaster: Not how most notable scholars typically greet one another, but alright...

Headmaster: I was invited for DINNER! Where is the meal?
Percival: Dinner was consumed at 5:00 sharp. You arrived at 5:03, sir!

Dahlia: You're a strange looking individual aren't you? Have you considered a face transplant?
Headmaster: No, I quite like my face.
Dahlia: Well, I don't.

Dahlia: Why, that snow on your nose?
Pyramid: What are you talking about?
Dahlia: I KNEW IT! You're back on the nose candy! I'm sorry, headmistress. My brother struggles daily with a cocaine addiction. *smirks in Pyramid's direction*
Pyramid: Why you...
Dahlia: You wouln't hit a little girl would you? I thought you were getting help for your violence against women...

After that ordeal, they went to bed...while the headmaster was still there.

Needless to say, they didn't get in.

legacy: zbornak, challenge: awesomesauce

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