I asked this question on Lunacon's official Facebook already, but I figured I have a high quality hive mind here and might as well take advantage of it. :)
We're gearing up for this year's Lunacon. Last year I added a couple of hundred new names to the invite database, but there's still more work to do. So if there's an author, editor, agent, artist, scientist, crafter, costumer, fan, LARPer, dancer, or other geek of coolness that you haven't seen at Lunacon and would like to, please scoot a nomination my way, here or at programming (at) lunacon (dot) org.
(Bonus points if they're either within easy traveling distance of the NYC area or have some reason to schlep here in March.)
We're doing the active track again this year, so teachers of yoga, dancing, sword fighting, poi spinning, or any other physical activity likely to appeal to con attendees are also very welcome.
If it's not obvious, add a note about what they do, please. A sentence or a URL is plenty. If you have contact info, nifty; if not, no worries, send the name anyway and I'll Google. :)