what is my fucking problem?
I cut all of my noxious hair off. I fuck around with the STATE'S dollars because doing Fish and Game paperwork just eats my insides up like ACID.
I saw and treated the scratch on someone's eye today. I saw the scratch glow. I made arrangements for an airline to hold a flight because a passenger was given 5 minutes between a landing and departure. They said they understood. That meant alot to me. Their understanding. So telling are phonecalls.
I spend 40 hours a week in a cold ass torture chamber because if I don't, I will be useless.
I wanted to ax my journal because I hate being misunderstood.
I realize now that the problem is actually my hesitancy.
I need to stab you like the wildest retard lawless ghost, if that's what will get us to research a fucking speck.
You can choose to dream, fantasize or build on that.
I'm tired of these flat formats of sharing with you.
you're as drunk as me.