Fido (2006). Directed and co-written by Andrew Currie. The film starts with a quick recap of the so called Zombie Wars, in which mankind fought and defeated a zombie invasion. A corporation, ZomCon, then takes over and runs the surviving 1950s style cities with an almost Nazi ethos. Zombies are domesticated through the use of a collar which removes their desire to eat people. One such domesticated zombie is employed by housewife Helen Robinson (Carrie-Anne Moss), and nicknamed Fido by her son. And so the story unfolds. As black comedies go Fido is a peculiar one. For me it was only laugh out loud a couple of times, but it kept my attention. Bemusingly Billy Connolly plays the zombie Fido (apparently a last minute cast change), and does a pretty good job of it too. Recommended for those who like their black comedies, and have some time to kill. 3/5 (Average)