push my booty out...push my booty in

Mar 02, 2008 03:10

so there are a few things that bother me, though they shouldn't...

one thing that i personally think is an acception to the rule, is the fact that i can't seem to get hired, no matter what i do. and i think it's because of the type of places i apply to... see, i don't apply to places within my field because i don't want to be completely surrounded by medicine all fuckin' day. no, i'd rather work somewhere that has nothing to do with anything i do in school. it's only going to be part time, and further more it'll give me a break from all the hustle and bustle that surrounds me. lord hath no words for me if i hear from another potential employer about how i'm too qualified for their open position, i'm gonna snap! big time!

i know that i should be over this, but they really should make gerard butler the new bond. old man rivers just doesn't do it for me...not at all.

i still also can't get over justin from QAF stalking brian. arrrg, it's so aggavating! the man was a wild one when you met him! it's that whole striper into a house wife type of thing.

the last petty thing that has my bloomers in a bunch right now is my sleep schedule. i sleep from around 5am to 9 then again from 4-around 9ish on my off days. regular days i sleep from around 4-8. damn insomnia. i need to make another post....
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