Jul 06, 2006 09:13
Im Just Staying Sane inside insanity
So lets see i left on saterday morning and we were up at the lake by 9:00am just in time for breakfast. From then on things went how the go ever day at the lake house. Everyone spends the whole day out side on the lake or reading and my aunts and uncles start drinking at about noon and it doest stop for the whole day. All my cuzins are guys so it leaves me as the odd ball out and dont get me wrong for the most part im fine with it because that means i just get to do whatever i want whenever i want. Although it is kind of boring by the third day when i have no one up there with me because well no offense to any of the boys who read this but god they suck. I know that non of you are like this but they spend the whole day calling me a bitch and saying woman go make me a sandwhich and all that junk. All in all though it was fun. I got through one and a half books which prolly would have read alot more but i like taking the seadoo out and i fell alsleep in the sun a few times and went swimming. The days were really nice too gloomy in the moring so you didnt have to get out of bed and then clear and sunny by the afternoon so that you could have a blast outside. As always i say im going to get into shape up there and never do so that was good. umm what else oh we came home on the fourth and that was a blast because my mom and my brothers went home in one car which left just me and my dad in another car so we just rocked out the whole way home. Now im back at home and bored out of my mind and have already read two books. Hope everyones summers aregoing good. Not really any complaints here. I will keep you posted though.