Ohhh soo much suckage.
Edwards tank has not gotten NTS. Woopee.. I think I'd prefer that though. Apparently he has these little fuckers ALL OVER THE TANK.
http://www.americanaquariumproducts.com/images/graphics/detritusworms.jpg There has to be a good 200 or so of them. UGH. Apparently theyre Detritus worms and are caused by several factors, but the main one that likely caused it in Edwards tank is overfeeding. I have NO way to gague how much to feed him seeing as he wont eat unless its pitch black. He eats all of his brine shimp by the time I wake up, and only leaves a few of his bloodworms (which are usually gone by the time I get home in the afternoon) so I figured I'd gauged it about right on how much his graboid face can take.
Apparently not.
Any suggestions,
skullfaced? All I can think of is completely cleaning out the tank, upping the heat and adding aquarium salt, but I'm a novice at this and don't quite what I'm doing. (Heat and salt was a solution for problems with bettas that I had.) I did up the temperature from 79 deg. to 81 deg in some vain and likely useless attempt to stem the flood of worms...
Things that resemble intestinal parasites slightly creep me out. These little worms are about the length of my pinky and the diameter of a whisp of my thin hair, hence my not noticing them till now despite their numbers. They do a good job of what very few things can do- creep me out. Imagining Edward with creepy little parasites thoroghly gave me the shivvers and pissed me off. (My first reaction to noticing the little shits was to reach into the tank and squash as many as I could as fast as I could...) At least I have the internets and can find out what they ARE if nothing else...
Also, if I read one more article that says they're planaria (Those flat worms that you can cut down the line of symmetry and you'll have two worms instead of a sliced dead worm? Yeah, those guys) instead of Annelids I'm going to throttle something... --*