So, I appear to be really rooting for being nicknamed McGuyver officially. Not on purpose, though. --*
I'm lucky I was up watching anime with Uzochi at bumfuck 1:30 am or else I might have more of a mess than I already do. around 1-1:15 I hear raining- INSIDE THE APARTMENT. It's been pouring -outside- for a few hrs (complete with a very nice lightshow ^^ I love lightning) but hearing rain inside is not good, and it was a lot of rain. I ran to the kitchen pulling out a pan as I went (because, thanks to my old old appt at Villa West I'm well acquainted with the sound of inside leaks) and shoved it under the kitchen vent on top of the stove where a nice thin steady bead was dripping down on it. Pull up chair to stand on and get better look. There were three leaks in total: one dripping down through my cabinets (I got a smaller pan to catch this), one dripping from the base connection to the hood, and one out the cabinet OVER the hood and starting to pool onto the vent hood. The one at the hood base was leaking worse. I then proceeded to do this little bit of jerry-rigging:
The saran wrap in the cupboard under the blue shop towel acts as a moisture barrier (I don't feel like dealing with warped rotted wood later) and the towel is right under two drips coming from the metal duct that goes to the hood. I pulled the towel around at an angle so it met up with the large streams coming from the base of the hood. Voila! Water wicking system. The towel wicks the water up from the drips up top and from the stream at the base of the hood and using gravity pulls it to the base of the towel and down straight into the pan. The electrical tape holds the towel in place (and is water resistant ^^.) I can't fix the hole in the roof thats causing all this mess but I can at least contain it into a bucket and keep it from screwing up the wood cabinets in the process. Now at least I can get some sleep and not worry about it till tomorrow. Ill pester maintinence first thing in the morn. Uzochi looked at the whole setup while I was preening (I was quite happy with my solution) and said "Way to go McGuyver" or something along those lines and I ended up giggling. Thats the second time I've been dubbed McGuyver. The first time was when I fixed a tv we found in the trash -(
I'm inordinately proud of my water solution. ^^ Now if only I could find a good solution to my weevil infestation problem and we'd be in business. (I swear my appartment has it out for me lately for some reason.) Anyhow, bedtime for me now. I've been artsy, Ill post pictures of my artsyness tomorrow or sometime. ^^
EDIT: Fixed picture