Dec 04, 2008 16:19
I am watching the new X-Files movie. For those of you who don't know, Agent Scully was my very first love when I was 11. Throughout the entirety of my teenage years, I rooted religiously for Scully and Mulder to hook up. I was convinced that they were in love and wanted them to get together more than I wanted a bigger chest or blemish-free skin. X-Files was my religion. And now I'm watching this movie and I feel like I'm 15 again.
My running commentary:
Scully and Mulder just kissed... eeeeeeek!
They are talking about their home together... eeeeeek!
They might break up? NOOOOOOOO...
Scully just said 'that's why I fell in love with you Mulder'... eeeeek!
Skinner! Walter Skinner! Nice to see you again!
Awww... Scully is worried that Mulder's dead. Well, think about that the next time you try to break up with him!
OMG! Scully just whacked the hell out of some dude to save Mulder! *swoon*
Tell him Scully! Tell him what he said to you!
Oooh, she told him! Don't give up, and he meant on you guys!
Gotta pause it, gotta pee.
Oh, oh, oh... they're gonna kiss. I think I saw this on youtube when someone was filming the filming. They're gonna kiss. Ohhhh they're gonna kiss. And there's not gonna be a BEE!!!
Oh Scully. Just... don't give up!
And KISS already!
*jumping jumping jumping*
I'm so happy I could die.
I just shrieked outloud.
That's it? That's the end? That's it???
Are they going to run away together? Are they going to be together? In typical X-File fashion, we will never know.
I feel like Chris Carter made this big long episode just for me!
This is my New Kids On The Block reunion, folks. This is my obsession come back to life. *Twitterpated sigh*
Somebody buy me this movie!!!