(no subject)

Feb 18, 2006 12:46

I'm back. Most of your requests are in here. If you gave me a lot of pics, I tried to do at least more then half but some caps just refused to work with me and I hate posting really mediocre icons. So I'm sorry but I hope you like them :)

Gilmore Girls, Literati, Dirty Deeds,
The OC, One Tree Hill, Bones, Memoirs of a Geisha

1 Wallpaper + 2 Headers + 2 User Info Banners + 39 Icons

Gilmore Girls:
Resources: caps from Thirty Notes and Fractured Frames





BANNERS: I have a new addiction to these things, so let me know what you think.
They're suppose to be used in your user info but as long as you don't try to claim them as your own, feel free to use them on forums. I don't care.

ETA: You have to click to see the full size.

Dirty Deeds:
Resources: caps from Blurred Photographs


Grey's Anatomy:
Resources: caps from Striped Wall



The OC:
Resources: Caps from Unwavering Affection



One Tree Hill:
Resources: caps from BandL.net and Dare to Move





Memoirs of a Geisha:

wallpapers: [ 1024x768 ] and [ 800x600 ]
header version: [ o p e n ]

Rules same as always...
- No hotlinking!
- No customizing anything. If you want something changed, I would be glad to do it :)
- Comment and credit! Credit for headers in your user info or FO post and icons in the comment section of you userpics.

Shameless Pimping:
Blurred Photographs, a new Rory/Jess fansite that includes the Walk Away Awards for Lit fanfic and Marginal Notes, a Lit fanfic archive. Go check them out!

BTW, Requests are still open in the last post :)

grey's anatomy, dirty deeds, user info banners, gilmore girls, memoirs of a geisha, wallappers, literati, bones, the oc, one tree hill, icons, milo ventimiglia

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