Only Political Rant I Will Ever Go On

Nov 05, 2004 09:38

Jesus Christ if I read one more person's ignorant, "HEY LETS BE LIBRAL TO BE COOL AND "IN"!" FUCK BUSH FUCK AMERICA, IM MOVING, THERE'S A DRAFT COMING, OH NO PROP 200! I'm going to kick you in the butt.

DO you really in all seriousness think Bush is THE WORST president the country has ever had... come on now kiddies think about it real long and hard. Ya it sucks okay. We invaded a roughly innocent country in pursuit for world democracy.. but guess what. IF KERRY GOT ELECTED WE'D STILL BE OVER THERE! We are not in a point in time to just pull out of Iraq and say "see ya!". Another note, there was a poll recently amongst the troops in Iraq... and over 50% of them affiliated themselves with the Republican Party. Ladies and Gents, we have a VOLUNTEER ARMY. These people are dying because of their own free will. Yes it is horrible that innocent civilians are dying, but as far as a homeland issue.. these people are volunteering their life for "our country". Which brings me to another issue.. the draft. Jeeezus Christ people, if we do have a draft, it's going to be so very far away. Yes it looks like tons of Americans are dying, but in comparison to the large quantity of troops we have over there, its not nearly enough to instate a draft. And the most ludicrous thing I've heard ALL YEAR!: Ladies being drafted. HELLO! DO YOU REALLY THINK A CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN PRESIDENT IS GOING TO FUCKING SEND WOMEN OVER TO FIGHT IN BATTLE! where do these people get this shit!

Prop 200 deals solely with government employees, teachers and doctors would most likely not be prosecuted. And no.. it will not pass not because it is unethical, but because it is poorly funded. It's not an issue of ethics, all it really states is that if a citizen can not provide a form of U.S. ID.. the government employee may call the cops. But come on people, if a person can't provide a form of ID.. they're more likely than not an illegal immigrant. And no they cannot detain the person while the employee calls the authority... so it's never going to work.. get over it.

That is alllll I have to say. I'll leave the rest for the pretentious people to "discuss"

On A Lighter Note.. My Life Rules
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