(no subject)

Jul 15, 2009 13:21

Saw it.

I'm feeling kind of mixed about it.

First things first, the things I thorougly enjoyed about the movie.

I think we can all agree that Tom Felton pwned all together in this one. He's always been the perfect Draco to me, from the very first movie, and an excellent actor at that. I'm happy that he finally got his time to shine, and in that same right took complete advantage of it. My favorite scene of him was of course, the bathroom scene, or maybe the walk to it. The panic and the pressure colliding in- He was just wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.

Quidditch made me smile. I don't know, something about seeing it on screen makes me utterly happy. Rupert was, as always, one of my favorites. I think my favorite scene with him might have been either the love potion or when they're having a drink at the 3 Broomsticks, and Ginny and Dean are snogging. Or, well, anything where he had a word in really made me happy. Aside from the Lavender stuff, he didn't really say much, which doesn't quite surprise. LAvender/Ron was played wonderfully as well. Though they really didn't go about it right at all- I kind of wanted a Ginny/Ron throw down, but it never came. In fact, Ginny was thrown to the back as much as possible, and used only at the most random spontaneous moments. Rawr.

Emma did an amazing job with this one. Ron/Hermione was all about amazing, I think, or amazing as it could be considering the movies and their tendency to cut stuff out. Toothpaste though, really? Interesting add in. And Ron made it snow! xD That made me kind of happy. Cormac with DAMN FINE though. Shoot. He can eat my ice cream anytime. OH, and the sexual references- awesome! This one really was ten times funnier than all of the others.

Dan was actually hilarious in this one as well. Though I love him as Harry, and couldn't quite see anyone else play him, I always feel like Dan falls short when it comes to Harry's emotions. But he really was hilarious during the scene with Slughorn. "HIIII!!" He's just adorable sometimes, and it makes me smile.

All the DE's we're wonderful as well. Bella was amazing, and Fenrir right on the dot.

Blaise Zabini was a sexy beast.

So, I had a feeling that Harry/Ginny was going to appear entirely random, due to the fact that for the past 5 movies (though only slightly in the last movie and the 2nd) they've been ignoring her character entirely. That and Dan is just kind of awkward in general. It just... Made me sad that their wasn't a single scene with them that really felt like they meshed well. I mean, Ginny's supposed to be fiery. Passionate. But not once through out the movie do you really see them connecting over anything particularly special outside of hiding a book and tying a shoelace. Maybe at the end, where she hugs him, but really. There's more depth to their relationship with that, and I know with the plot some peices need to fall short, but really?

To be continued maybe...


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