(no subject)

Feb 19, 2009 17:46

♣ Player Information

Name: Micha
Journal: bittering
Age: 25
IM: bittering
Email: mizainin at gmail or hotmail
Timezone: -7

♥ Character Information

Name: Katana (and a load of aliases)
Age: 32

Growing up he had never wanted to be extraordinary. The then young man was quite content to assist his mother in her house chores and work with his father when he asked it of him. The one great joy in his life was learning the art of sword fighting. This as well as his calm demeanor during battle and simplistic life style choices were passed to him by his mentor at the time. He absorbed as much as he could from her, eager to be a vessel for her teachings before she passed on. She taught him of battle, of life and death, of morals and most especially of really listening to his heart and his surroundings.

She did well to instill in to him to do right according to the power he had been given. With such a mindset it would seem odd that he would ever accept a job as one of Shinra's Turks. After being left to rot in prison and ostracized as a coldblooded killer he had plenty of time to think; not so much to allow the words of his neighbors, family and friends to sink in but to really consider where he could do the most 'good'. He was still as content with his life and while he had not enjoyed killing neither had he necessarily found it completely dissatisfying. Real combat with real risks was addictive.

Despite coming to truly appreciate solitude he is naturally an outgoing and friendly person. His humor has become warped through the years but far from distasteful. He requires on the simplest accommodations but can easily appreciate things a little higher class.

Usually unwavering and single minded he occasionally becomes distracted by what he can only describe as 'beautiful things'. These beautiful things are objects, people and places that catch his attention. They aren't necessarily extravagant or odd but when he becomes fixated it's difficult for even himself to gather his thoughts back up.

In battle he is sharp and takes no time or second thought to ensure that when it is all over and done with he is the one left standing. The katana not only becomes an extension of his body but a very tangible reflection of his state of mind.


His codename really speaks for itself. Katana is highly adept with his weapon of choice; enough so that Shin-Ra recruited him from prison because of it. The man is also incredibly loyal to those that would earn it. His sacrifices and risks are not heroic or suicidal, he just does what needs to be done. Age and life experiences have given him a very calm and collected manner and his inner strength shines the brightest in situations where most would crumble under stress. He's a Turk through and through but like the others when it comes between following orders or their morals for the good of the team his heart will always win out. Having been a member of the Turks for quite some time he knows the ropes and has no problem with solo missions or can work just as well with a partner given his friendly sociable nature.


Stricken with a sort of wanderlust, inevitably he will wander away in moments of quietness or to clear his head. Despite his friendliness he is a person that values solitude; it's very difficult to get close to him. His past has made him into a distrustful person who is initially suspicious of everyone. This doesn't mean he would stand by and allow someone to be hurt or lash out unnecessarily but he keeps others at swords length. His sense of humor is a little dark and biting especially toward those peers that might think themselves greater. He also has a particular weakness for 'beautiful things' which has caused him to halt his own actions at times to appreciate them properly.


Like his true name, very few people know that this man was born in the village of Gongaga. Only his superiors and his closest partners have come to hear his side of what happened so long ago. Growing up in such a quiet place his schooling came second to helping his father and mother. An only child he eagerly tried to make friends around his village and in time made one very good one. They became inseparable. While one busied himself with responsibilities the other sought out good fortune and an easier life that wouldn't require working every day.

There came a time that this friend became so entangled in a mess that he was abducted by the less then savory characters he'd made acquaintance with. Feeling it was his duty both as someone who had been given the strength to protect and because he was his friend and essentially innocent there was no question in his mind what to do about it. Single handedly he saved that friend; at the cost of his own freedom.

Even behind bars he was shunned and feared by his village for revealing such a cold nature. He was a killer and even the young man he had sacrificed so much for was cut off from him. Even so his stay in prison wasn't a long one. When he was given the choice between prison or working for Shinra he took the offer to work.

He was first alias given was Katana. Under that name and a few others he led a very successful career as a Turk engaging in many missions. Skilled and trusted he is almost always on assignment and for him such a busy life is a blessing.

When AVALANCHE threatened not only Shinra but the safety of all life on the planet, Katana was among those Turks that played an active role in the front lines of dealing with the menace, even when the menace came to involve the man that had plucked him right out of his lifetime in prison. When it came between Shinra's orders and his loyalty to Verdot he was counted among the renegades who betrayed Shinra in order to help the man save his daughter. His fate is never officially revealed beyond the defeat of Zirconidai. It is assumed that like Verdot and the others his 'death sentence' is carried out. There were many a long hard day spent enjoying life and 'sex on the beach' before he is called back to duty.

♠ Roleplaying Samples

First person:

He called it bad food. I can't say that it was particularly bad. Bland yes, in need of several shakes of salt, yes but bad? It was edible.

He said 'edible at best'. I could only laugh until he brought it to the attention of our waitress. I've gotten used to his way of dealing with things. I'd observed him enough and been in his company for these little tangents before but I would be lying to say that it wasn't just a little embarrassing. Every time. In any case she was mortified, our waitress I mean. She had no idea how to deal with him. I'm sure the suits didn't help much with her anxiety. The mixed signals also, between his ranting and my trying to ease the tension; It didn't exactly work.

He went his own way after that. I had to pick up the tab.

Third person:

Any other assignment; no that wasn't right. Most other assignments would have been a breeze. Ones that lacked children especially would have been far easier. That just wasn't his luck today.

He couldn't say how old the kid was and there was something really unnerving about her. It was as though the child honestly did not care that they were in a helicopter miles away from home now. Not an eyelash was bat at being whisked off so suddenly by strangers. If anything it seemed there was only complete boredom. Had it just not sunk in?

"Here..." The little bugger had to be hungry, he thought, at least a little snackish or something. The look that his offer received was not like anything he'd seen much less fathomed before. Cold and tinged with a something he hadn't wanted to remember at that moment. To see such blood lust in such a youthful face. Was it really any wonder, the way this world was going? It wasn't for him to ask questions just to take orders. He certainly didn't feel in danger, now with some eight year old in handcuffs and an armed escort. Why did he need an escort anyways? There was only a small head shaking on his part before the pasty-oaty-raisiny bar was retracted and hidden away for his own use later. The rest of the return trip went smoothly and silently.

Long after handing the youth over and clocking out, when he was settled back in his own space that child's face still refused to leave his mind. He had no logical reason to be so disturbed. He had seen far worse in his life time. Others easily drank away the pain or eased it with whatever substance on hand. Not that he didn't enjoy hard drinks himself that wouldn't help. He'd never shake the haunting that way. Moving was the only thing for it. Still after nearly nine blocks his mind only then began to settle and dismiss the remnant images. After twelve he felt he would sleep very well that night.

Maybe it was true that some men were just born monsters. But that wasn't really what was bothering him.
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