Jan 14, 2004 21:37
I am offically a rebel (not really) but I like to say I am. I got my eyebrow pierced today. I guess I wasn't really rebelling because I'm 18, but I knew that my dad would not approve at all, which he didn't. When he saw it he got really pissed but that's all right. He got over it eventually. I told my mom today that I was going to get it done. She was like whatever if you want to ruin your face go for it. I'm like all right so I went and ruined my face. My mom is the one that is the coolest about me getting piercings my dad like freaks out. He was ok with me getting a tattoo and they are forever, but when I get piercings that isn't ok. Piercings you can take out if you don't like them you can't take tattoos out or off they are on forever. Kind of strange but that's ok. It was very exciting though. Yesterday Erin, Megan, Amanda, and I went into the tattoo parlor here in town to look at prices and tattoos. I was going to get my eyebrow pierced yesterday but I was like I better just talk with my parents first I don't want to have them completely hate me. Then I was like all right and then I went and got it done today. The next thing I'm going to get is two starts, one on each hip. They will be pink outlined in a darker pink. I think it will be cute. I might not be thin enough but once I get thin enough it'll be cute. So yeah that is my story. I am very excited. When I walked in the door my mom was like you didn't, I was like I did. I don't think she likes it but she doesn't hate me or anything so that's good. My dad finally got over hatimg me so I'm happy about that.
Well I shall get going I guess. I have to get up semi early tomorrow because I have some shit to do. I'm going to some sex shops and that will be a lot of fun.
Talk with you all later.