Jul 20, 2003 11:10
Oh just made it all in. It seems that I let time slip by really fast without posting. Alot of updates need to go into this post. Alright about a week ago I left the school in Perris and am now in Paloma. This all started at lunch one day when some trash was being thrown at the place I was standing,SO I picked up a bottle and winged it very hard at the,mexican guy who was throwing the shit. Nuff said and nuff done, It should have ended right there. Everyone went back to there lunchs and everything was fine. THe rest of the day was a pointless blur filled with boredome and sleeping. But afterschool we boarded the bus as we did everyday and rode home. Upon reaching my bus stop I got out and was followed by two mexican guys (I am the only one who gets off at my stop). I didn't think anything of it, since maybe they were just going to see there friends or something. Anyway, I was walking to where my dad picks me up, When this van pulls up along side the curb and five mexicans jump out,One stays by the car and the others come to me. As you can imagine they were trying to jump me. They hit me good a few times and I cracked a few of them before my dad pulled up and we left. So thats the story of how I came to be at Paloma.
On Thursday night of this week my Parents left for Vegas. My Grandma came over. For those of you who don't know she is quite lacking in the 'I am Sane' department. So I left and am staying at Spencers for the weekend. Where she calls every so often and leaves most delightful messages to me, Including the wall is broken I need apples,I turned the TV off how do I turn it back on THe Tv's on and I don't know why Kenny. So needless to say I do not miss her so much. I love her though don't get me wrong. Well anyway that is about my biggest news for now. Post and entertain me.
Kenny The Damned.