"Did you know your Adam's apple shakes when you're judgemental?"
Oh man Saved by the Bell is on.
This is the only reason why I'm happy not to be in school.
Well aside from the whole not being there thing.
So Thursday was prom. It was fun times. Bobby looked amazing. Everyone did actually [see link at the end for the picturesssss]. Afterwards we all just chilled then Bobby passed out. I was home by like 2. We were suppose to graduate Saturday but that didn't happen because it rained. Then Sunday it did happen. Afterwards I went out to eat with Bobby, Molly, Alonzo, Brandi & Dan. Good times man.
So I guess at this point the future for Ashley Dackers = cosmotology school. So if you want you're upper lip waxed then a nice Brazilian wax after cornrowing you're hair, I'm your guy.
Last night I went to see the Omen. I liked it. There were numetal kids there, lots of them. & lots of Cabos yelling. One numetaler had a Santa hat on. Nice, yea.
Eh I'm going to go watch TV til the boy gets out of work.
So I guess there was something on the lense, woops.
Yea, so I'm lame.
My mom made me take a picture with my dog haha.
So sometimes I try to be cute. NOTE: the picture of the little girl dressed as a bunny on the wall is infact me, oh yes.
Stacey, Brandi, Molly, Dackers.
Dackers & Bobby, Brandi & Dan, Molly & Alonzo.
Lookin' shaaaaahp.
I love these ladies.