my heart held.. in the palm of your hand.

Dec 01, 2006 17:10

Today wasn't so bad.
School was boring, but that's no different from usual.
I don't have anything to do right now, so I'll sit here and tell you about my whole day. Lucky you.(:
Let's see..
Homeroom, finished up math homework and acted like a weirdo with Ali, Ryan, and Darian. 1st period in gym, hmm, played 4-square. Haha. It's so gay, but suprisingly fun. This random girl kept launching the dumb ball at me. I wanted to kick her. Math was stupid. As always. Took a quiz, probably bombed it. I figured out my percentage on my grade sheet. 52%. Hahaha. How do I manage that? I'm so hopeless.<3 Double-blocked history 3/4, I sat in the back of the room with my feet up on my desk and laughed at how stupid some of the people are in my class with Brenan. Woff told the worst joke and no one exept me and Steve got it. It was so hilariously bad, and I almost cried. I also realized that Mr. Woffington has the creepiest smile ever. His eyes bulge out, his lips curl, and his teeth line up weird. It's so akward. And yeah, that's pretty much all I get out of history. 5th period Honors English, ugh, it's so boring. I can't even remember what we talked about today. But I did get a 100% on our last test, which brought me up from a D to a C. Woo. Still gonna get killed for progress report. Once again.. I'm so hopeless. 6th, French. Worked in a group with John and some random people. It was almost fun for once. Lunch was alright. I sat there and stole fries from Mitch, laughed at Colin's stories of sex and electrocution, and creeped under the table. P.s. Meat Spin. 8th, study hall with Tyler, Chelsea, Ej, and Tom. Oh boy. Picture time..

Haha. Oh yeah, 9th period in creative writing, the lights were out and it made me tired. Me and Angela sat there and talked about how bad life sucks at this time of the year, and about how retarded our fiction stories were. After my 'Oh so eventful day' I came home. Suprisingly, I got a little bit of homework out of the way, and then started this thing. Woo! I'm not tired at all for once. I wanna have some fun with friends tonight. I'm not sure what I'm doing yet though. Either something with Ali and everyone, or going to hang out and see a movie with Kevin. Hmm. As for now, I'll probably just lay in my room for a little while. Probably read. I really want to finish this book I've been reading by the end of the weekend. It started out good, but it's starting to lose my interest a little. I hate when that happens. I'm out.

It seems so sad to call this home
However, I've had time to think
About the past and what went wrong
I'm running out of ink.

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