And, now, stolen from many other people:
* Birthplace: Carshalton. I think it's somewhere in London.
* Current Location: South Ken
* Eye Color: Blue. Lightening steadily as I get older
* Hair Color: A fairly dull shade of brown
* Height: No idea. Probably somewhere about 5'10''
* Righty or Lefty: Ambi-sinister.
* Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius, apparently. Although rather close to Capricorn. (By hours)
* Your heritage: Oh ye gods. On my father's side, mostly Irish but originally Scottish. On my mother's side, mostly Dutch but originally South African, I think.
* The shoes you wore today: Some rather aged trainers.
* Your weakness: Laziness, apathy, etc.
* Your fears: Everything, to some extent. But especially screwing up.
* Your perfect pizza: Some Holy Combination of the Pizza Hut Meaty Edge and the Pizza Express Sloppy Guiseppe.
* Goal you'd like to achieve: Much like the rest of IC, to pass my degree. And somehow fit in some sort of life, with shiny things.
* Your most overused phrase on AIM: If punctuation can be a phrase, then ":P"
* Your first waking thoughts: "Wurgh. Time?"
* Your best physical feature: Um...
* Your most missed memory: I know not, my liege. Although possibly the time I spent in Canada on an Outward Bound canoeing course.
* Pepsi or Coke: Both. Simultaneously, please.
* McDonald's or Burger King: Either, but only if someone else is the instigator.
* Single or group dates: I have experience with neither, but probably a single date.
* Adidas or Nike: Neither by preference, but Nike -do- make good shoes.
* Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Ick.
* Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
* Cappuccino or coffee: Neither.
* Smoke: Oh my god! You're on fire!
* Cuss: A little.
* Sing: Sometimes, but rarely in company.
* Take a shower everyday: Usually.
* Do you think you've been in love: No.
* Liked high school: Not at first, but it got better as it went on.
* Want to get married: The Winds of Fate shall decide. Or possibly the whims of the Lady.
* Believe in yourself: Depends on what. Usually rather less than I'd like to.
* Get motion sickness: Not anymore.
* Think you're attractive: Not really.
* Think you're a health freak: Not at all.
* Get along with your parent(s): I suppose so. We seem to be rather apathetic about each other, to be honest.
* Like thunderstorms: Definately.
* Play an instrument: Clarinet and any form of sax you'd care to name.
In the past month...
* Drank alcohol: Yes.
* Smoked: No.
* Done a drug: Not that I know of.
* Made Out: No.
* Gone on a date: No.
* Gone to the mall a shopping centre? No.
* Been on stage: No.
* Been dumped: No.
* Gone skating: No.
* Made homemade cookies: No.
* Gone skinny dipping: No.
* Dyed your hair: No. Never. Ick.
* Stolen Anything: Only this classified deathray.
(Boring, huh?)
* Played a game that required removal of clothing: Nope.
* If so, was it mixed company: NA.
* Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Not this month, but about once or twice, ever.
* Been caught "doing something": Only shoplifting.
* Been called a tease: Nope.
* Gotten beaten up: A couple of times.
* Shoplifted: Not this month. I gave it up ages ago.
* Changed who you were to fit in: Not deliberately. I think I change by diffusion.
* Age you hope to be married: Not bothered.
* Numbers and Names of Children: Depends on what the lady thinks, but probably two. Possibly one called Samantha.
* Describe your Dream Wedding: Whatever makes her happiest, whilst still being modest and not pretentious.
* What do you want to be when you grow up: I've no idea.
* What country would you most like to visit: All of them, in approximately that order.
* Number of drugs taken illegally: None, I think.
* Number of people I could trust with my life: Ooer. Probably about 10. Depends on the circumstances.
* Number of CDs that I own: Music CDs? Probably not more than 15.
* Number of piercing: None.
* Number of tattoos: None.
* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? A couple. Pushing it, maybe 5.
* Number of scars on my body: About seven or eight, mostly on my head.
* Number of things in my past that I regret: Many.