the incredible strength of women

May 08, 2017 12:18

i have always admired women for their strength.  i mean, just the idea of growing another human being inside of you is a completely crazy concept that I still can't fully reconcile.  as i get older, i am even more astounded by the everyday miracles in strength and exhibits of heroism by women in their everyday lives.

i've always had health issues, so i'm pretty unfazed when it comes to health issues for myself.  but, recently, i've had a number of close friends, family, and acquaintances go through some very trying times, and it boggles my mind how these women are going through so much, and still having to plow through their every day lives and be a functioning, contributing member of society.

i recently found out a friend has breast cancer.  she has told nobody but her family and me.  this friend also just gave birth to a set of twin girls, and her husband is in the military, so she's doing the solo parent thing on top of this heavy diagnosis.  my heart breaks for all that she is about to face, all the uncertainty, all the fear she must be going through.  for all the doctor's visits to come. for doing this mostly alone. for trying to be strong for her girls. for the idea that she might have to get chemo and won't even be able to hold her girls.

my sisters recently revealed to me that they both have fibroids, which means they may not be able to have children.  now, i've been grappling with the idea that i may not be able to have children for over 10 years, ever since i was officially diagnosed with RA.  but my sisters were otherwise healthy individuals who had no reason to suspect that they could possibly not bear children.  since fibroids are genetic, it is very likely i will also get them (if i don't already have them).  tack it on to the list of things that are unkown about my body and my future.  but, again, my heart is so sad for my sisters.  for their uncertainty. for all the plans they will have to hastily make, or have forced upon them.  for the future they didn't know they should have been planning.  for the dreams that may be left unfulfilled.

women go through pregnancy, births, miscarraiges, fibroids, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancies, HPV, etc., and they do it all while having to "do" life.  i mean, i don't ever want to be a guy, but sometimes it's hard to deny that they got the golden end of the stick, while women got stuck with the shit end of that same stick.  i mean, have you seen a guy when he just has a cold?  it's like the world is ending and they are dying.  meanwhile, women get their insides invaded, lose babies, have tumors ripped out, and they're strong through it all.

strength.  astounding, amazing, awe-inspiring, unbelievable strength. i only hope i am half as strong as the women who surround me when i face some difficult decisions coming down the line.

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