Death Note - L/Light - Smell

Jun 27, 2008 00:42

Title: Vanilla Scented Lies (Sensory Deprivation 4/5)
Fandom: Death Note
Pairing: L/Light
Prompt: 101 - entice at tamingthemuse; also written for 4. Angels and Devils; Disguise (~wings stain with blood) at 30_angsts; also written for the stagesoflove set: Exploring a relationship through the five senses prompt smell.
Warnings: Slash. Spoilers for the first part of the series.
Rating: Adult.
Summary: Despite the chaos of his life, L liked routine.
Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note. I'm not that smart.
A/N: Unbetaed. Also, this is a work of fiction that contains sexual interaction between two male characters. Note the part that says fiction before having hysterics, please. Finally, the five parts of Sensory Deprivation will all be unified in a single story arc spanning the characters growing obsession with each other throughout the series, but I am hoping that each part stands well enough on its own to be a complete story. I'd love to know if you think that I managed it.

As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated.


Previous Parts: Part 1/5, Part 2/5, Part 3/5.


Vanilla Scented Lies
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