nathan barley: dan/jones; 5 emotions

Jun 21, 2008 21:56

title: when you're gone
author: iniq
fundom and pairing: Nathan Barley; Dan/Jones
theme: 5 emotions
rating: r
summary: Dan would miss Jones if he left.
author's note: the poetry quotes in this ficbit are from Michael Ondaatje's The Cinnamon Peeler - Selected Poems


Nicotine caffeine
hungry bodies
could put us to sleep
but nothing puts us to sleep

"Can't sleep?" Claire asks when she catches Dan waste another night in the dark.

He shakes his head and takes another drag of his cigarette. She knows he misses Jones. She does, too. She sits down next to him and pulls a cigarette out of his pack. She lights it and leans back until they are sitting shoulder to shoulder.

"He loves you," she says. He doubts she believes what she's saying.

"He left me," Dan says. And if he's smart, he'll stay away.

She rests her head on his shoulder. He doesn't want her comfort. He wants Jones back.


emotions: compassion

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