Stargate SG1/Stargate Atlantis; Sam & Jack; Stages of Grief

Jun 14, 2008 21:05

Title: Bargaining
Author/Artist: sjhw_tolerance
Theme: Stages of Grief: Bargaining
Rating: Teen

Sam answered on the first ring. “Jack. I’m glad you called.”

It was a start; at least she hadn’t hung up on him. “I’ve been thinking and I’m sure we can come up with some sort of compromise. We can get you a posting here in DC. I can arrange my schedule so that I’m in the Springs more.”

“Jack, I’m not asking your permission.”

“I’ll talk to Woolsey,” he added almost desperately.

Her voice sounded even more distant when she finally asked, “You’d sabotage my career?”

“God, no!” he exclaimed swiftly. “I just…there has to be a way, Sam.”

stargate: sg-1/atlantis, samantha carter/jack o'neill, stages of grief: bargaining

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