Open Hearts; Niels; 5 emotions

Jun 14, 2008 00:24

Title: Outsider
Author/Artist: verlandi
Theme: 5 emotions: Envy
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Author's Notes: It is still 13 June in EST. I’m in a different time zone.

“He was going to Patagonia, for rock-climbing…”
“What’s Patagonia?”
“Oh, he loves those extreme-sports, or whatever you call it… He said he’d take me to windsurfing in Australia…”
“Sounds exciting!”
“Well, he said it’d be smashing if we come back with a tan in winter.”

Both of them laugh, but the girl’s eyes drift away.

Niels finds himself a bit frazzled, staring into her side-profile, searching for attention.

“Yeah? Sorry, I was just thinking if I should visit Joachim again later.”
“… yes. Yes you should.”
“Maybe not…”

Niels wants to say something encouraging, but his tongue is tied.

emotions: envy

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