Stargate SG1; Sam & Jack; Five Pieces of Furniture: Chair

Jun 01, 2008 17:20

Title: Somebody's Sitting in my Chair
Author/Artist: sjhw_tolerance
Theme: Five Pieces of Furniture: Chair
Rating: All ages

Somebody’s Sitting in my Chair

Jack walked down the corridor leading to the briefing room, nodding at the greetings from the various personnel he passed. Everyone it seemed, from Siler to the guy with the mop bucket, were all smiling, nay, even grinning. Normally, it would have unnerved Jack to be surrounded by so many happy base personnel, but it was understandable. Anubis had been defeated, the Earth saved-by him, once again-the Stargate was back in her usual position. All right, not their usual Stargate. Actually, Jack could never really keep track of which Stargate currently reigned supreme at the SGC but he was fairly certain this was the last reserve ‘gate to which they had access.

But none of that really mattered to him, because even if he didn’t show it as outwardly as the rest of the base, he was pretty happy this morning as well. SG1 was back on full duty-without any Russian on the team-and they were finally being sent out on a mission. Jack could actually say that he was even looking forward to the morning briefing.

“Morning, Colonel.”

Jack nodded at Walter, who slipped through the open doorway ahead of him; Jack followed the sergeant into the briefing room, ready to get on with life as usual. Walter started passing out the folders he held in his arms, leaving one at the head of the table where Hammond would sit. Jack’s eyes traveled around the table, quickly noting that his team was already present. And then he frowned. His eyes narrowed and he studied each occupant of the table. Teal’c sat in his usual position, to the left of Hammond, two chairs down, the empty chair where Daniel traditionally sat empty. On the other side of the table, to Hammond’s right, Sam sat, two chairs down, in her usual position. And sitting in the chair immediately to Hammond’s right and next to Sam-in his chair-was Jonas.

Jack always sat there, next to Sam, well except for when he didn’t. But it was definitely his chair and Jonas was sitting in it. Jack cleared his throat. Sam looked up and smiled, as did Jonas. Well, Jonas grinned more than smiled. Jack looked at Sam again and raised an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly towards Jonas. She looked confused for a moment, but then her eyes filled with comprehension and she gave a slight shrug. Jack opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Hammond strode into the room and seeing no other recourse, Jack quickly slipped into the chair next to Teal’c.

“All right, people,” Hammond said, opening his manila folder. “The latest MALP telemetry from 3PR-774 is promising.”

Sam jumped in then. “Yes, the latest analysis shows large deposits of naquadah just fifty klicks from the ‘gate.”

“And no evidence of Goa’uld activity,” Teal’c commented. “Very interesting indeed.”

Jack tried to pay attention to the conversation swirling around him, but he just couldn’t get comfortable. There was something wrong with the chair, it felt like the springs were poking him in the butt and when he tried to roll it, it felt lopsided, one of the wheels was flat or off-center. Jack’s eyes narrowed. Jonas, on the other hand, looked entirely too comfortable in his chair…next to Sam….


Startled, Jack wobbled dangerously in his faulty chair, earning a frown from Hammond. “Sorry, sir. Ah…you were saying?”

“SG1 will ship out tomorrow at 0900. Make sure your team is ready.”

“Yes, sir!” His chair squeaking ominously, Jack scrambled to his feet, along with the rest of his team, when Hammond stood and returned to his office. Sam gave him another curious look from across the table and this time he just shrugged and headed towards the door.

He was almost out the door when he heard Jonas ask. “What’s wrong with Colonel O’Neill?”

Jack paused for a moment, just outside the doorway, when Sam’s softer reply drifted out to him. “I’m not sure, Jonas.”

He could however, hear Teal’c quite clearly. “I believe there was something wrong with his chair, Jonas Quinn.”


“He was sitting in my chair!”

Sam looked up, Jack’s face a blurry image through the magnifying loops she had on. Slipping them off, she carefully set them aside and tucked the delicate piece of alien technology she’d been working on back in its storage container. She had discovered the hard way what happened if she left delicate technology, well really any technology, lying around whenever Jack was in her lab.


Jack started circling her workbench and she turned slowly on her stool, following his movements. “Jonas. He was sitting in my chair.”

“Your chair?”

“Yes,” he said, favoring her with a mild glare. “I always sit next to you.”

“Ah.” She thought she understood now. The familiarity of routine provided comfort in the face of all the changes of the past few months since Daniel’s death, not to mention the trauma-and drama, she acknowledged wryly-in finding a new fourth for the team. “Change is hard,” she commented.

“Change?” Jack stopped right in front of her, bending down until they were almost nose to nose, his arms stretched out on either side of her, his hands resting on the table behind her and effectively trapping her. “You think this is about change? About everything we’ve gone through lately?”

Sam nodded slowly, impressed and slightly amazed with his insight. “Isn’t it?”

Jack smiled slowly in that way that always made her insides turn to mush. “You know, for someone so smart….” He murmured, lowering his head even more, until they were practically nose to nose. “My place is next to you.”

He didn’t move and warmth curled through her at the look in his dark brown eyes. Her eyes fluttered close and she waited expectantly, feeling his breath warm upon her cheek.

“Tell Jonas that’s my chair, will you?”

Sam’s eyes flew open when he pushed himself away, leaving her weak-kneed and off-balance. “Yes, Jack,” she murmured. And she couldn’t help but smile herself when he grinned and sauntered out of her lab. His chair indeed….

furniture: chair, samantha carter/jack o'neill, stargate: sg-1

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