Samurai Deeper Kyo: HotaruxYuya, Five Meals-Dessert

Jun 20, 2007 12:02

Title: Red Cherries
Author: silver_magess
Fandom: Samurai Deeper Kyo
Pairing: Hotaru/Yuya
Theme: Five Meals-Dessert
Rating: PG-13

It was as if Hotaru was going to eat her with his eyes, like she was a sweet bean bun. Or something along those lines, since he would spend that night staring at her and nothing else. Which had gotten awkward the moment she had realized that no one else was in the room with her. Really, even Kyo would have been welcome company. At least he acted on his perversions, as much as she hated it. Creepy boy just starred at her and licked his lips for hours on end.

"If you're going to kiss me, get it over with." The moment she said it, Yuya wanted to curse and scream. "Not that I want you to or anything." Granted, Hotaru had a nice body underneath those slovenly clothes, but that's all he had going for him.

Though, his eyes were nice looking too, even if they were currently wider than saucers. "I wasn't going to kiss you." Using his hands, he scooted a couple of feet away from her.

"Well it's better than you doing nothing. Which is all you ever do. Nothing." Which was utter nonsense: she was an attractive woman; she should have been beating him off with a stick by now. Not that she really wanted to deal with that.

"You'd hit me." At least he was no longer denying it. "Or worse shoot me."

"I'm not that violent." Okay, she would have definitely aimed her gun at him if he had made a move, but still…

Settling down a little, Hotaru gave her a little pout. "I was just wondering, that's all." Seeing her now clueless look, Hotaru shrugged. "Bon says that women's lips are like red cherries. Okuni's are, but yours aren't. Why is that?" She couldn't believe that she was getting a "you're not as hot as Okuni" crack from Hotaru of all people.

"Because some of us don't like to slap on make up." She scowled, her lips now twisted in a way that probably wasn't pretty looking.

He noticed it and suddenly came closer again, much closer than before in fact. "So can I kiss you?"

"What!? No!" Of course, she hadn't backed away, but that was because it was her spot! If anyone should back away, it was him.

"But you just said to get it over with."

"I didn't mean it that way." He grabbed her shoulders tight and it looked like he wasn't going to give her a choice. Her face began to heat up and her lip quivered, her heart pounding. It wasn't that she hadn't kissed someone before. She had kissed a little neighbor boy when she was about eight, but that didn't count as a real kiss. She'd always thought it was going to be Kyoshiro or maybe Kyo, as disturbing as both options were. Maybe this wasn't so bad though, she thought to herself as she closed her eyes. And then he pulled away.

Opening her eyes, she saw him giving her a dirty look. "Liar." He turned so that his back was facing her, acting like an angry child.

"You bastard!" She got up and kicked him in the head, then stormed out of the room, slamming the door being her, resulting in an unsightly rip in the paper. When she was half way down the hallway though, she stopped and touched her lips. Maybe she should start wearing make up.

samurai deeper kyo

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