Title: Cocooned
edenbound (ficjournal)
Theme: Smell
Rating: PG
Notes: Finally catching up. Hectic time for me, this. Sorry. >>;
They slept together that night. Not -- not slept together slept together, but slept in the same bed, learning how to fit around each other. It was too hot at first and then too cold without the covers, and Bran wriggled too much until he got comfortable, and Will got pins and needles in his arm but there didn't seem to be anywhere convenient to move it to. But Bran fell asleep in the end, and left Will awake, holding him, cocooned with him in what felt like a sacred silence, just listening to him breathing and feeling the heavy thrum of his heart. Listening to him live, and finding in himself a desperate need to stay like this forever.
Just the thought of eventually being without Bran hurt. Will thrust that thought back, told himself it didn't matter. Maybe something would happen. Maybe he could just not think of it until the time it became apparent that he wasn't aging.
He focused instead on Bran again -- the clean, soapy smell of his skin, the shampoo he used. He wasn't surprised that it was a generic, cheap shampoo smell. He couldn't imagine either Bran or Owen being terribly indulgent. It wasn't a bad smell, though -- Will tried to hold all of this in his head, to remember Bran the better when they had to be apart. It wasn't just soap and shampoo -- there was Bran's own skin, and a hint of toothpaste and sunblock and the faintest hint of grass from earlier, when they had lain in the grass together, just kissing and kissing and looking at each other and then laughing.
He fell asleep thinking of all this, and woke again in the morning still smiling.