Title: Five Lessons of Love
aaronlisaRating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Max Guevera
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and company.
stagesoflove Prompts: five emotions - regret
Notes: Set during Season One.
When Zach had wanted her to leave Seattle, Max had sadly agreed to do so. Even if it meant turning her back on Logan and her other friends that had become her lifeline in Seattle. She recognized the fact that Seattle had become too dangerous for her, especially with Lydecker after her. She knew too much about the other X5’s and if Lydecker managed to capture her, she could endanger her brothers and sisters. Yet when the time came for her to leave, she had a change of heart. She regretted hurting Zach but at the same time, she couldn’t leave. She couldn’t run away again. Not this time when she had fallen in love with Logan and her friends. If she left Seattle, then she would always be longing for the surrogate family that she had created for herself.