Silent Hill 4: Henry/Eileen, five breaks, broken vow

Jun 05, 2007 10:18

Title: Waking
Author/Artist: rosehiptea
Theme: five breaks: broken vow
Rating: PG
Word Count: 278
Note: Spoilers

Cross-posted to sh_het.

A.N.: Slightly AU version of the Death of Eileen ending.

When Henry wakes up in bed he doesn't want to get up. He wants to pretend that the bed is just a bed and his room is just a room. It helps that when he looks around he sees no ghosts, no red flashes that invade his mind.

But this is the place; this is where Walter Sullivan vowed to reincarnate his mother. This is where he broke that vow, where Henry killed him before he could complete his sacraments. Or is it? He sees no holes anywhere, not in the bathroom, and there are no shards of plaster where he broke his own wall. In the living room the bookcase is back where it was, over the hole where he could see Eileen.

At that thought he rushes to the radio. When he turns it on, he hears the one thing he was most afraid of. Eileen Galvin is dead. Walter Sullivan was real, and he killed her. Henry feels cold. It occurs to him that Eileen will be the last victim, that this place can be home again, but it doesn't help.

He had gone down into the heart of Walter Sullivan's darkness with her, and at the times when he had hope for life he had pictured her alive with him. But now he remembers all of it, remembers the blood closing over her head as she calmly descended into it.

He goes to his room, where the photograph of the Silent Hill church still hangs on the wall. Henry takes the picture down and stares at it, then puts it face down on the desk.

"Damn all of you," he says under his breath.

henry/eileen, silent hill

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