The Dark is Rising: Will Stanton/Bran Davies, five senses: hearing

Jun 01, 2007 12:40

Title: Comfortable
Author/Artist: shanaqui/edenbound (ficjournal)
Theme: Hearing
Rating: PG
Notes: Sliding in late because I wasn't writing fic for a while there (deletegate+personal circumstances=lack of motivation).

Will was finding, not entirely to his surprise but definitely to his discomfort, that he was having trouble concentrating on what Bran was saying. He had not trouble concentrating on him in general, and indeed he was listening in a sense -- listening to the comfortable way Bran spoke, not quite the same as his previous confidence, but as if he'd suddenly started to fit inside himself. It was a less brittle strength, less of a façade. He was also listening to Bran's accent, and wondering why he'd never thought it... well, sexy, before.

"Will?" Bran poked him in the ankle with his foot. "Are you listening to me?"

Will tried hard not to blush. That was becoming second nature by now, although he wasn't particularly good at it. "I'm listening. I'm just," a pause, while he scrabbled for an excuse, and then, quickly, "I'm just tired."

"Want to get some rest?" Bran asked, raising an eyebrow. Looking at him, hearing an odd note in his voice, Will had to wonder if he knew already. There certainly seemed to be amusement in his eyes. "Delicate little Sais like you..."

"I'm not delicate, I got up at the crack of dawn," he said, making a face.

"I got up just before sunrise to make sure I had breakfast ready for Da," Bran said, shrugging. He grinned at Will. "So I still have you beat."

Will settled for making another horrible face at Bran. "I didn't sleep well."

"Keep making excuses," Bran said, laughing aloud at the face Will made. Will didn't remember him ever laughing like that before, not even a year ago when he'd started showing all the signs of becoming a proper grown up member of society. It made him smile despite his worries about being obvious -- in fact, he didn't think of that at all.

"Don't remember seeing you laugh before," he said, without thinking, and didn't even regret it.

Bran grinned at him again. "Get used to it, Stanton. I expect I'll be laughing at you a lot."


will stanton/bran davies, five senses: hearing, the dark is rising

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