Title: Grey Noon
aaronlisa Rating: FR13
Pairing: Max/Alec
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and company.
stagesoflove - five stages of day - noon
Notes: Set during Season Two.
Summary: The morning after their first kiss was just another grey Seattle day.
The morning had turned into another dreary Seattle day where the sky was a dark grey as it threatened to rain but never actually did. For once, Max was grateful for Normal, who had given her twice the normal amount of packages. It meant that she could avoid Jam Pony and avoid Alec. And avoiding Alec was currently her top priority, she didn’t want to have to act normal in front of him nor did she really want to analyze the kiss that they had shared as dawn was breaking. Yet try as she might, Max finished her deliveries early and she made her way back to Jam Pony just as the clock hit twelve. As she rode her bike into the building, she couldn’t see Alec and for that she was grateful.
However, just because he wasn’t there didn’t mean that she wasn’t thinking about him. She shut her eyes even though it was as if the scene from the early morning kept playing over and over in her mind. Max couldn’t seem to get the taste of Alec out of her mouth or the feel of his lips on her lips. What made things worse was when she opened her eyes, Max found Alec standing right in front of her and all she could think of was kissing him again. She blinked as she tried to clear her head of images of the two of them kissing again and she barely heard what he said. She managed a nod as she tried to make her way over to where Original Cindy was sitting.
”Max, did you even hear a word I said?” Alec demanded as he grabbed a hold of her bike.
“Yeah, I did. Wanna let go now?”
“Sure Maxie,” Alec said.
She could feel his eyes still on her but she refused to acknowledge him, Max hoped that if she ignored him long enough, Alec would give up. After all it was nothing more than a meaningless kiss that they had shared this morning. Just a kiss to make White’s agent think they were anyone but a pair of transgenics.