Trowa Barton/Quatre Winner, Five senses: taste

Dec 08, 2006 02:56

Title: Fallen 5/5
Author: Misanagi
Theme: Five senses: taste
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU. Fusion (mostly) with the movie City of Angels. Quatre's POV
Summary: An angel and a human… it's happened before.

Thanks to Anne for the beta.


During the drive to the circus, where apparently Trowa's sister worked, Duo started explaining what all the different things were that I was experiencing and how I could start feeling better. I was lucky to have him. I remembered when he fell and all I could do was watch him and give him a little help without directly interfering. And now I understood why even though he had been bleeding, lost and suddenly in a whole new world of restrictions, he had been smiling. There was also a whole new world of possibilities.

When we arrived at the colorful tent, Duo pushed me out the door and said that they would wait in the car. I already knew Heero wasn't going to let him out to walk on his injured leg, and even though I had been thinking about what I would say to Trowa when I saw him, I was suddenly afraid of what would happen.

"Where can I find Trowa Barton?" I asked the first person I saw, who happened to be dressed in a clown suit.

"Try Cathy's," the man said and pointed in the direction of a bright red trailer before walking into the main tent.

"Thanks," I replied, even though I knew he probably didn't hear me. I headed to the trailer and stood in front of the door. I thought about calling Trowa's name but then I remembered that people usually knock on the door in these situations.

The girl who opened the door frowned at me. "You are bleeding." She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Who are you?"

"I'm looking for Trowa."

Her frown deepened and she looked me up and down before she said, "If this is a consult you should head to the ER. Trowa is taking a break."

I shook my head. "It isn't a consult. It's personal."

She glared but before she could say anything a voice interrupted from inside the trailer. "Who is it, Cathy?" I knew that voice. I would always know that voice.


The door snapped completely open and Trowa stood there. His mouth was slightly open and his hair was dripping. His eyes widened when he saw me. "Quatre?"

I smiled. "Your eyes are even greener. I didn't think it was possible."

Seconds later Trowa's arms were around me. He was holding me and I could feel him. Feel him. The warmth and softness of his skin, the cool bangs brushing my cheek, his breathing tickling my neck. I put my arms around his waist, curling my fingers around his shirt and noticing the difference between the texture of his skin and the material of the cloth.

"Do you," Towa paused. "Do you feel this?"

I held him tighter and even though I could lie, I didn't have to.


"You are hurt," he said, looking me over.

"Falling apparently hurts," I said and smiled.

His fingers traced a scratch on my forehead and I could see his eyes water slightly. "You did this for me… We barely know each other."

"I did it for us," I corrected. "For the chance to be with you and get to know you." My eyes stung a little so I blinked. A warm drop fell down my cheek. Tears. There was one falling down Trowa's cheek too.

I don't know why I did it but I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his face. My lips were warmer than his skin and the touch tingled slightly. I pulled away and licked my lips. My mouth tasted different; it tasted of his tears.

"Would you kiss me again?" I whispered.

He circled one hand softly around my wrist. "So you won't go again," he explained, and before I had time to promise I would stay, his lips touched mine.

My eyes closed instantly and I parted my lips slightly, wanting to feel more of him, to taste him. His lips parted too and the inside of our lips touched, moist and warm. Then his tongue was touching my lips, licking slowly, tickling. It was soft and slightly rough; its touch was deeper than his lips, more demanding.

I opened my mouth wider, letting his tongue penetrate enough to touch mine. My breath caught when it did, the tip of my tongue caressing his. And then he ran his tongue over the top of my mouth and I let my tongue tentatively lick his lips. He stopped and let me explore his mouth, lick smooth teeth, tickle him below his tongue and taste him, taste who he was, the essence of him.

I kept my eyes closed when we parted, tasting the remains of the kiss, savoring it and the memory of it. "More," I whispered.

And he kissed me again.

- The End -

trowa barton/quatre raberba winner, gundam wing

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