Buffy: Spike/Xander, Elements (Asian set) complete

Dec 07, 2006 23:57

Title: Not Quite A Wedding Ring, 1-5/5 (Complete)
Author: darkhavens
Theme: Five Elements (Asian Set): Metal - Wood - Water - Fire - Earth
Rating: NC-17
Words: 5x100
Feedback/Concrit: darkhavens @ slashverse.com
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Summary: Spike and Xander, an elemental love story. Written for stagesoflove round 6.

Not Quite A Wedding Ring (complete)

Apologies to the mods for the lateness of the entries and the all-in-one posting. I will try to complete my other two sets before the final deadline.

Also - missing an 'five elements(asian): earth' tag. :D

spike/alexander harris, buffy the vampire slayer, five elements(asian): fire, five elements(asian): water, five elements(asian): metal, five elements(asian): wood

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