Title: Through
edenbound (ficjournal)
Theme: Hope
Rating: G
Seifer smiles when he hears Squall's voice, sneaking to the front of the cafeteria line to grab a tray and a selection of whatever solidified sewage the cafeteria is offering today. Not so he can eat it -- fuck, he's not suicidal, and he can cook -- but so that he has an excuse to make his way quickly over to Squall and slide his way into the seat next to him. Quistis smiles, Zell glares, and more importantly than either, Squall touches his arm lightly and nods a slight greeting; not quite smiling, but nearly.
"I've got a class to teach," Zell mumbles, after a moment of silence that is uncomfortable to him and to Quistis, that is Seifer and Squall's element. He gets up, pushing his chair back with a loud squeak across the tiles. Quistis leaves a moment after, too, leaving them alone.
Squall does smile, now, not nudging Seifer in a suggestion to move up even though their shoulders are pressed together. "How has your first week of taking classes again gone?"
"As boring as it always was," he says, shrugging. The difference, well. The difference is that he's made no attempt to liven that up. He's had enough of the limelight to last him a lifetime, and the glares heavy with meaning despite Squall's words about universal forgiveness are enough of a reminder that he is no longer really one of them. Squall nods slightly, seeming to read what goes unsaid in Seifer's eyes anyway.
"I hear you're doing quite well."
"Well enough."
Squall nods slightly. His eyes are quiet and intense, intense as always, and like always, like before, they take Seifer's breath away. He watches for a moment, feeling a terrible throb of feeling that he tries to squash, a brief surge of -- well, hope, he supposes, though why he deserves to still have such, he couldn't answer.
"Do you want to go out this evening? To Balamb?"
The question is as unexpected as it was half-hoped for, and Seifer nods before even thinking, a smile slipping through his guard and onto his face before he can remind himself not to be too eager. Squall smiles, as well.
"I'll see you at six at the Garden exit, okay?"
Seifer can't help but smile a little more. "Okay."