BTVS/Supernatural (Faith/Sam) Five domestic behaviors-cooking

Nov 24, 2006 21:17

Title: Surprise
Theme: Five domestic behaviors- cooking
Pairing: Faith/Sam
Rating: PG (because inuendos are fun)
A/N: There's two versions of this. This one and an expanded one. Only because I should at least try to keep the pieces close to a drabble for the
stagesoflove piece you know? This one just ran away with me though *g*.
Words: 113

"Don't take this the wrong way but this isn't poisoned as a means of breaking up is it?" Sam asked looking at the lasagna.

Faith shrugged. "Nah, that would be too messy. I'd just leave you handcuffed in a motel room with a 'do not disturb' sign on the door.” Faith took in his gob smacked expression for a full minute before laughing. "Man, that's just getting more fun by the day." She sat next to Sam and leaned in.

"Never let it be said that I'm not good at taking care of my boy's... needs. Right Sammy?" she purred.

Sam ignored the bait in favor of eating because ohmygod that was heavenly.

buffy/supernatural, domestic: cooking, faith lehane/sam winchester

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