Bones, Angela/Hodgins: Stages of Love

Nov 23, 2006 03:40

Title: Need
Author: plasticeneposes
Theme: Intimacy
Rating: Strong PG-13/Light R

Angela has always been vaguely aware of the fact that Hodgins is an experienced lover, but never once stopped to think about what that meant. Now, with his fingers sending sparks down her thighs and his tongue trailing fire across her collarbone, she can't help but be jealous of the other women that have come before her.

The thought strikes her as odd, and she can't say that she's ever experienced it before - if anything, she's always had a very casual attitude about sex. But his swift, sure movements are quick to distract her, and she finds herself sinking a little deeper.

When he's hovering above her, silently not so much asking for permission as begging, Angela's breath catches in her throat. His eyes are darkened with lust, fastened intently on hers, and she feels far more naked than she is. Letting out a shaky breath, she clutches at his hips and urges him downward, until he is sliding oh so slowly into her with a deep groan. His eyes drift closed, his expression nothing short of awe.

"Jack," she gasps. Her fingers dig harder into his flesh, a makeshift life preserver to prevent her from going under completely.

angela montenegro/jack hodgins, bones, stages of love: intimacy

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