Yuuri x Wolfram : The 5 Emotions (hope)

Nov 23, 2006 17:20

Title:  Some day my Maou will come...
Author: Maria_chan
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Theme: The 5 Emotions(Hope)
Pairing: Yuuri x Wolfram
Rating: PG
Warnings:  Angst, some OCC, not many spoilers, not very kind to Yuuri...*ducks*


He hummed wistfully as he spread the cheery red and white checked blanket over the grass.  There wasn't anything that could ruin his good mood.

As he smoothed the blanket down, Wolfram looked over his shoulder searching for Yuuri.  No sign yet.  Oh well Yuuri would be along shortly, the blonde demon sighed and set about laying out the rest of the picnic.

Wolfram, for all his poise and pride was giddy, he could not remember the last time he had felt this excited and happy.  It had definitely been a long time.  He had been sad and anxious over the last month, but now those feelings had been dashed away.

Yesterday, Yuuri had found him (as much as Wolfram hated to admit) sulking in the library and suggested having a picnic in order to raise Wolf’s spirits.  Wolfram had stared at Yuuri, totally caught by surprise that Yuuri actually wanted to spend time with him.

They had made arrangements to meet up in a meadow where they usually sparred. Wolfram had taken the duty of procuring their lunch from the cooks, packing it and setting up.  Yuuri was to meet him after his lessons.

Wolfram made sure that the cooks had prepared one of Yuuri’s favorite meals, complete with “Maou dumplings” for dessert.  He couldn’t wait.  He was so excited he was ready to burst from anticipation.  Yuuri had asked him.  Yuuri wanted to spend time with just him.  The two of them.  Alone.

He stepped back to admire his presentation.  It looked perfect.  Wolfram allowed himself to smile.  Perhaps the wimp had finally acknowledged Wolf’s feelings for him.  Maybe now, Yuuri would finally start treating Wolfram like his fiancé.

As his mind wandered through the various fantasies he had of he and Yuuri doing “couple” things, Wolfram glanced towards the castle.

Still no Yuuri.

Wolfram sat down on the blanket.  Perhaps Gunter was holding up Yuuri…the wimp did have a lot of make-up lessons to complete.

He shouldn’t be much longer, the blonde thought.


Thirty minutes had passed and Wolfram still sat, looking for any trace of his fiancé.

He said “where we spar”.  This is where we spar.  I hope that wimp didn’t get lost.  What king gets lost in his castle, and the area that surrounds it?

He glanced at the food. He had been forced to move some of the hot dishes back into their original packaging in order to keep them warm, but those packages could only keep the food warm for so long.

The blonde rubbed his temples.  Perhaps the maids had asked Yuuri to help them with something.  Yuuri was a sucker for anyone in need.

Shouldn’t be much longer.

                     His stomach growled angrily, demanding to know why he wasn’t eating when he was sitting next to a blanket laden with food.

It was now an hour past their designated meeting time, and still no Yuuri.  Wolfram sighed dejectedly as he gazed longingly into the distance.

In the corner of his eye, he could see the plate of Maou Dumplings gazing temptingly back at him.  Wolfram swallowed and focused elsewhere, his better breeding that had taught him to wait until everyone else was seated before eating, was winning over his need for food.  He could wait.  It wasn’t as if he was actually starving.  Besides, once Yuuri finally arrived, he could fully appreciate the meal…even if the food had gone cold.  Nothing was going to spoil his time with Yuuri.

Where are you?


He was now beyond hunger.  Hungry to the point where he could feel his stomach acid fizzing in his gut.  Wolfram grabbed one of the Maou Dumplings and popped it quickly into his mouth.  Yuuri would understand, after all it was almost two hours since Yuuri was supposed to have met him.

Had something happened to Yuuri? Wolfram wondered as he reached for another dumpling.

An emergency at the castle?  Emergency with one of the villages? An ally in need?  No, Wolfram figured, if there was an emergency, one of his guardsmen would have already been dispatched to find him and summon Wolfram back to the castle.

Yuuri was just late. But he was still going to come. After all, he was the one who suggested the picnic…wanted to spend time with Wolfram.

An ominous rumble came from overhead, and Wolfram noted the darkening clouds.  The storm was still far off…Yuuri could still make it and they could still have their picnic…right?

Where are you?


The rain was pouring from the heavens; lighting lit up the dark sky.  Wolfram huddled against his horse from where they had taken refuge under a tree.  He looked out at the ruined picnic; the cheery picnic blanket now lay dull and flooded in the sopping grass.  The food was beyond saving as the water rendered it inedible.

As he sat against the warm body of his mare, muttering nonsense to sooth the frightened horse, Wolfram continued to look towards the castle.  It was too dangerous for him to ride out now…but maybe Yuuri would come to look for him.  Yes.  Whenever Yuuri heard that someone was in trouble, Yuuri would go and try to help.  Yuuri must have been held up some how and seeing the rain, he was probably going to show up any moment looking for Wolfram.

Wolfram held onto that thought, using it squash down the other, more pessimistic thought that had risen.  In fact, Wolfram had been trying to hold that thought back the entire time since he had realized that Yuuri was late.

Maybe he forgot about you.

No, that wasn’t it.  Wolfram bit his lip trying to keep the anger and sadness at bay,

“Yuuri always keeps his promises. He always thinks about others.  He’s just late.” He said aloud.

He never thinks about you.  You’ve been engaged for five years now and nothing has happened.  He still doesn’t acknowledge you.  Why are you surprised that he hasn’t shown?

“He wanted to have a picnic,” Wolfram whispered firmly, “It was his idea.  He wanted to spend time with me.”

He swallowed hard, pushing the negative thought away.  He fixed his green eyes on the castle once more.

Yuuri would come looking for him ….any minute now.


“Thank you so much for having me your Majesty.” The girl beamed at Yuuri.

“My pleasure.  I am always glad to meet with my subjects.”

A loud rumble of thunder shook the castle.

“Oh my, what a terrible storm!”  Lady Kathryn said glancing out the window.  She fixed her large brown eyes at the young king across from her and smiled coquettishly.

Yuuri smiled back, the girl was definitely cute.  He was glad that she had shown up at the castle gates.  Kathryn’s arrival had gotten him out of lessons early, so that Gunter could prepare Yuuri for his impromptu lunch with Lady Kathryn.

“Would you like another dumpling, Your Majesty?” Kathryn asked offering him the plate of Maou Dumplings.

Yuuri happily took a few of the dumplings, and watched as Kathryn continued to smile at him.  Yes. She was cute alright.

He took a bite to calm his nerves.  On earth he had yet to attract girls, but for some reason he didn’t have a problem when he was back in Shin Makoku.  Still, meeting with the daughters of nobles caused him to be nervous.  But there was something different about his nerves this time.  He was getting the feeling that he had forgotten to do something.  Did he bow correctly like Conrad had told him?  Was he even supposed to have bowed…was he supposed to bow at the end?  Damn customs….or was it even a custom he had forgotten?  He knew he was forgetting something,  but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what is was.

“Your Majesty?”

Yuuri jumped, he had been caught daydreaming, “Yes?”

“I heard that you have a young daughter…I was wondering if I could meet her?”

Yuuri smiled and got up from the table, “You want to meet Greta?  Of course! Let’s go and find her.”

He offered his arm to Lady Kathryn as etiquette dictated and led her out of the drawing room.

What ever it was that he had forgotten, Yuuri would figure it out later.


God, I am such a bitch to Wolfram ;P.  Will Yuuri remember?  Will he say "sorry" ?  Who knows!  Up next is regret!  Thanks for reading! Please let me know if you have any comments :)

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